Tuesday, February 4, 2014

King Cake Season

Well, we have been buried in King Cakes for nearly a month now at work. Shaping, baking and packaging occur around the clock as we chug along through Carnival season. In a month the whole thing will be wrapped up and it will be time to give up all of the partying and craziness for Lent!

To mix things up a bit, since we have access to Sucre King Cakes all day every day, people have been bringing in cakes from other local bakeries. The other week, while trying Cake Cafe's apple and goat cheese interpretation, I got the piece with the baby, so to keep the tradition alive I purchased the next cake:

Cream cheese filled from O'Delice French Bakery & Pastisserie
This twisted, sugary treat was mighty tasty! As luck would have it, I made the first cut and low and behold there was the baby sticking out of my piece! The gods of Mardi Gras may chide me, but I had Tariq re-hide the baby so someone else would get it!! 

Honestly, in my now fourth Mardi Gras season, I have tried more King Cakes this year than the rest combined! It is fun to see the unique flavor combinations bakers create as well as the clever ways they decorate them in the traditional green, purple, and gold. I suppose I will never be a true New Orleanian because I have no desire to try the "big" name cakes like Randazzos or Haydels...they just don't look appealing to me. 

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