Wednesday, February 5, 2014

28 Spins Around the Sun

I have successfully made my twenty eighth journey around the sun! I am not one for a big hoopla around my birthday, so thankfully it fell on a Sunday this year and everyone knows Sundays are a day of rest :)

Birthday cake: vanilla cake layered with Bavarian cream and fresh fruit. Yum!

Saturday, after treating myself to a manicure, I met up with Andrew and Brie at Bouligny for a later afternoon cocktail/snack (lightly salted fried chick peas = out of this world!). Evan was working so he kept us company and kept our glasses full. AV called while we were there (I had unknowingly been ignoring his calls for nearly a week) to wish me a happy birthday since it was technically already February 2nd in Cape Town. It was nice to talk to him and hear what he has been up to since he ventured off nearly two months ago. 

The evening led to the whiskey bar above Avenue Pub that I surprisingly never knew existed despite having frequented there for years! Brie departed before Andrew and I made our way to Harrah's where I watched him play Black Jack (I am too chicken and risk averse to play myself) and took in all of the many sights! 

Sunday = late lunch at Camellia Grill with Andrew before going to his place to watch the Super Bowl. T'was a sad game to watch. I enjoyed the half time show though!

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