Saturday, January 25, 2014


Whoa! New Orleans has seen a LOT of cold days recently. And not "oh-I-guess-I-need-to-put-a-jacket-on-today" kind of cold days but "holy-crap-I-am-wearing-tights-under-my-jeans" kind of cold! Without a doubt I have felt temperatures comparable to Virginia winters for the first time in my now four years living in the Big Easy. We're talking the thermostat reading 20s people--that is not normal. I received a pair of gloves for Christmas that have been a godsend! When I left work the other night there was ice on my windshield. Ice! That's a first. NOLA hasn't seen any snow yet from all of this wonky weather but I know that my cronies up in VA and further north have been experiencing quite the winter wonderland. Is it Spring yet?

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