Friday, January 17, 2014

Celebration in the Oaks

After years of saying that I wanted to go see Celebration in the Oaks I finally went to check it out! The City Park light display is a Christmas tradition here, though I did not get around to it until after New Years. Sara used to go as a kid (it is fun for all ages) so it was a nostalgic trip for her and a new adventure for me! It was FRIGID cold the night we went, but it felt right to be looking at Christmas decorations while bundled up in gloves and scarves. 

Lots of random things made out of lights | Creepiest Nativity baby Jesus I have ever seen | Poinsettia Tree (I was told it was much prettier earlier in the season) | Mr. Bingle: this mascot thing from a department store that no longer exists but is still a tradition in these parts | More light things

It was cute! I would go again, perhaps before Christmas when more people are there enjoying the holiday feeling!

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