Friday, January 31, 2014


I survived the horrid sneauxmageddon of 2014!!

Icy mirror and "snow/ice" on my car

The South has been experiencing some peculiar winter weather this season. I thought we were clear of this non-sense, however, this past Tuesday Mother Nature proved me wrong with a swift backhand of her frigid cold hand. 

As the temperatures dropped and precipitation started to fall the panic level throughout the city, and beyond, skyrocketed. As if like dominoes, schools, government buildings, businesses, bridges, roads, public transportation, the airport and entire highways all started closing. While the Virginian in me, who grew up where snow was common and manageable, scoffed at the seeming overreaction of these hilariously spooked New Orleanians, I realized that they were freaking out because this part of the country simply is not equipped to handle these conditions. Just as people in Virginia do not build tornado bunkers and thus would not know what to do should a twister pop up, the people in Louisiana are not prepared for ice as it rarely threatens them. When I mentioned a salt truck I was met with tilted heads and questions of "huh?" because they have never heard of such a machine. My dear elderly landlord has badgered us relentlessly over the past few weeks about freeze warnings and the importance of preventing our pipes from freezing. The pipes and bridges in these parts just are not insulated. 

So, while the "storm" we experienced here may seem petty by Northern standards, it was enough to get every one's attention and prompt the creation of "sneauxmageddon" since NOLA has to make every "o" into an "eaux"!

It is supposed to be 70 degrees this weekend :)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cane & Table

Sunday evening was spent having "family dinner" with Evan, Andrew and Brie at Cane & Table in the French Quarter. Billy was on the clock but was able to come by and socialize with us throughout our dining experience. We tried so many excellent dishes!

Fresh Puffed Pork Skins with Curried Jerk Seasoning 
*holy cow those could be habit forming!*
Three Pea Hummus with Yucca Chips
*possibly the best hummus I have ever eaten*
Crispy Rum Ribs with Papaya Chutney
*fried ribs! the meat was falling off the bone--they were a little spicy for my mild-preferring tongue!*

Ropa Vieja (Braised Skirt Steak)
*mine with skillet greens and Yukon Gold potato puree*
Grilled Yardbird
*Andrew's...looked good, but I did not try it*
Peas 'n' Rice (Red Beans & Rice)
*Evan's...rather tasty andouille sausage*
Vegetable Plate
*Brie's...she raved about everything, so it must have been good!*

Apple Oil 
Buffalo Trace Bourbon, Laird's Bonded Applejack, House Falernum Demerara, Angostura Bitters, Regan's Orange Bitters
*delicious! we all tried one of these delights!*
Some Big Blue Drink
I have no idea what was in it but Billy brought out this big ol' bowl full of blue alcohol with four straws poking out the top! See photos below. 
(Billy is the bow-tie-sporting photo bomber in the mirror)

The men folk, arms over their heads, after a satisfying and delicious meal!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


I have been frequenting the theater since I have had a little more free time on my hands and I find great pleasure in zoning out and living in another world for a few hours! Here are my most recent viewings and my thoughts on them:
August: Osage County
This movie was nothing like I expected but wonderful none-the-less. (I am unsure if that is because the trailer lead me to believe it would be a lighter plot or if I just had the wrong idea in my head.) It has its comical moments but the overall feeling is sad and painful. The cast was awesome. I am a big Chris Cooper fan. I love Margo Martindale. Meryl Streep is genius. The only performance I was not fond of, and I typically do not enjoy her work: Abigail Breslin. Meh. I left feeling more thankful for my "normal" family.
Lone Survivor
T'was a tear jerker as I presumed it would be. I really like Ben Foster and I believe he was cast well. The banter between the actors was believable and heartfelt. With the title alone as well as the fact this is based on a true story, I knew that only one soldier would make it out alive; what I did not know was how and that little twist--no spoilers--makes the ending hopeful.

American Hustle
Holy moly that hair! All of it. Every actor in this movie must have spent hours in the hair chair before each scene! It was insane! Christian Bale is easily one of the best actors of the past decade, in my opinion, however, I really loved Jennifer Lawrence's character! She was hilarious! I understand why this flick has been nominated for so many awards.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Soooo much better than the first movie in this series! Perhaps because they had a larger budget or the fact that they didn't have to do so much back-story kind of stuff to cover for people who haven't read the books, regardless, everything was just better. The visual effects, the acting, everything. This is a movie that is nearly two and half hours long but it did not feel like it at all. I am anxiously awaiting the next year!

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Whoa! New Orleans has seen a LOT of cold days recently. And not "oh-I-guess-I-need-to-put-a-jacket-on-today" kind of cold days but "holy-crap-I-am-wearing-tights-under-my-jeans" kind of cold! Without a doubt I have felt temperatures comparable to Virginia winters for the first time in my now four years living in the Big Easy. We're talking the thermostat reading 20s people--that is not normal. I received a pair of gloves for Christmas that have been a godsend! When I left work the other night there was ice on my windshield. Ice! That's a first. NOLA hasn't seen any snow yet from all of this wonky weather but I know that my cronies up in VA and further north have been experiencing quite the winter wonderland. Is it Spring yet?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

McMain Banners

 My documentation of the McMain High School Saints banners via Instagram:

The school did not put banners up for the play off games but there was a plane flying around town with a banner that read "BELIEVE" on those dates. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chocolate Snacks

A little Pinterest inspired snack making session: 

Dark chocolate melted then spooned onto parchment paper in little circles. Dried fruit and assorted nuts sprinkled on top. Set up in the fridge and enjoy!

Super easy. Super adaptable to any one's preferences. Super yummy!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Celebration in the Oaks

After years of saying that I wanted to go see Celebration in the Oaks I finally went to check it out! The City Park light display is a Christmas tradition here, though I did not get around to it until after New Years. Sara used to go as a kid (it is fun for all ages) so it was a nostalgic trip for her and a new adventure for me! It was FRIGID cold the night we went, but it felt right to be looking at Christmas decorations while bundled up in gloves and scarves. 

Lots of random things made out of lights | Creepiest Nativity baby Jesus I have ever seen | Poinsettia Tree (I was told it was much prettier earlier in the season) | Mr. Bingle: this mascot thing from a department store that no longer exists but is still a tradition in these parts | More light things

It was cute! I would go again, perhaps before Christmas when more people are there enjoying the holiday feeling!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

A New Year

2014 is happening!
I rang in the New Year with good friends from near and far as Cori was in town visiting. 

My 2014 Resolutions

Hug more
(Rocking this one so far!)
Track all spending
(Just started my spreadsheet and I will say knowing that I am keeping up with this has made me think twice about some purchases)
No eating in my bedroom
(Failing currently, but it is sooooo cold in the kitchen/living room area so taking my dinner to my room seems much more comfortable)