Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Young At Heart

I think my body is still recovering from last weekend. Sara, Zack, his friend Dan who stopped in NOLA during a road trip and myself may have been a little overzealous with our plans. We started the weekend off on Friday with a great dinner at Mariza in the Bywater. The wait was kind of lengthy, but cocktails held us over until we were seated for our extremely rich, delicious meal.
After wrapping up another "new-to-us" restaurant experience, we headed back uptown to Tipitina's for the Free Friday show. Johnny Sketch & the Dirty Notes are one of my favorites and they were rocking it that night! I had such a great time dancing, singing, and swooning over the beautiful electric cello solos. Love!
The crowd at Tipitina's & Johnny Sketch making magical music
Since we were having such a grand time I suggested we not cut the evening short and continue the festivities at F&M's! To preface, this was after 1:00am and alcohol was definitely involved. I have not been to F&M's in probably two years due to the fact that it is just a lot of college kids and I feel old there. Sure enough, Tulane/Loyola/UNO students abounded, but hey, they were playing lots of great pop songs perfect for stupid dancing. After a few hours...yes, hours, we were all danced out, it was starting to rain outside, and our energy levels plummeted. Home by 5:00am. Awesome.
Saturday I made no effort to get up before I had slept all that I could. I started to look alive in the early afternoon hours then Sara and I ventured to Metairie to get our nails and toes done before meeting up with the boys for a Cowbell dinner. And because we, the three best friends, are always up for something different, we drove to Plum Street Snoballs for refreshments. (Sara knew the joint, but it was new to Zack and me, and of course Dan who was only visiting.) My "small pail" was blackberry flavored. It was quite tasty though I could not finish it for the excessive sweetness.
Plum Street Snoballs. Blackberry goodness.
While leisurely enjoying our shaved ice Zack graced us with a wonderful analogy: he is the gorilla glue that holds the two pieces of bread that Sara and I are together. He being gorilla glue because he is hairy/strong?, Sara being a slice of white bread (she is pale and blond) and me being whole grain with seeds (because I have dark hair and freckles). Seriously?? Glue and bread? I don't know about all of that, but I think it was supposed to be a nice gesture about friendship or something...
That evening led us to Bouligny where we met up with Andrew and Brie, enjoyed some beverages, then moved to Delachaise for more fun. In an effort to mix things up and show Dan as much fun as possible we caravanned to Mimi's in the Marigny only to find out that DJ Soul Sister was not playing that night. Bummer. Well, I guess we will just have to go to F&M's again! Hahaha! Our intentions of recreating the awesomeness of Friday night didn't quite work out. It was fun, but not as fun as the second go-round. None-the-less, I crawled into bed around 4:30am.
What better way to round out this fun-filled weekend than yet another day spent with the three amigos. Dan left Sunday morning, heading back north towards his destination of NYC so we were back to the original trio. Zack has been wanting to drive around and photograph some things throughout the city so we went on a Sunday drive around the Iberville Projects (which are being torn down this week), Hollygrove (with a pit stop at the market), and the Treme area. It was an overcast, rainy day but we made the best of it. A late lunch/early dinner ensued at Parkway before we officially called it a wrap on the weekend.
Zack shooting the projects & rain drops outside the house.
Man, Monday morning came waayyyy too quickly. I think I am finally caught up on sleep but my lesson is learned. I may think I am young and hip and fun and can party like a 22 year old, but in fact, I am a 27 year old who requires rest. It was a blast, but I have had my F&M fill for a while...I mean, at least until next month!

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