Friday, August 9, 2013

Random Texts

Below are some experts from recent text messages...not necessarily continuous conversation, but the humorous highlights...

While discussing Red Dress Run this weekend:
Laura: "If you decide you want to go we're having a drunk breakfast at my house before then all going down there haha"

Group text about Andrew's return to NOLA:
Evan: "Wheaux breaux. Fump stop be warned. This is cray."
AV: "I go for a run and miss 22 texts?!? WTF. Y'all are right, though, I am SO Cali right now..."
Guy: "That's quick! I was thinking not for a month of two but as B.B. used to say, 'Come on down!'"
AV: "Bob Muthafuckin Barker, bitches"

Same message that morphed into a conversation about how many days old we are:
AV: " is as good a forum as any to announce that on Monday, September 9th, I will turn 10,000 days old. I will be in New Orleans. Yous guys must celebrate with me."
Evan: "I'm 9990 days old yall"
Brie: "Well shit how many days am I? Someone smart do the math...I'm drinkin"
Guy: "...pretty sure I'm in the 10,600 range :("
Me: "Brie you are 9997"
Brie: " I see a Facebook post about this in my near future"
AV: " Brie godamnit don't steal my 10k thunder!"
Guy: "10k thunder is overrated. 11k is where it's at!"
Evan: "I'm going to have 10000 shots on my 10000th day"
Guy: "Hmm. 10,000mL of beer is approx 28 beers. Maybe something there?"
AV: "So much math happening in this thread"

Another random convo:
Amy: "You should totally move to Nashville, this is carhartt heaven!"
She knows me so well :)

Because sometimes we are mean girls:
Whitney: "Oh no! We've already got belly pics at 6 weeks. Really!?!?!? It's the size of a sesame seed"
Me: Yeah pretty sure that's just her regular stomach we are seeing."
Whitney: "Man I'm glad I have someone to be snarky with"
Me: "...They've done a full blown photo shoot"
Whitney: "It's too much Katie"
Me: "Too much"

Upon sharing an UberFact tweet:
Me: "Fun fact for the day (with a picture that read: 'If you attempt to attack or startle a vulture, it will vomit on you')"
Sara: "Interesting. I do the same thing."
Me: "Best response ever."

Random conversation:
Zack: "I think I have to build a diaper cake"
Me: "Get to work then"

Because when is a conversation with AV ever "normal"?:
Me: "!!!!!"
AV: "Is that how you do it?"

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