Thursday, August 22, 2013


My life as of lately...
  • Andrew is officially back in NOLA :) After many days of apartment hunting he finally found a place that met all of his criteria. Let the shenanigans begin!
  • Cinematic Adventures:
    • 2 Guns: pretty good, witty, lots of action, funny
    • We're the Millers: hilarious, crude, continued to support my obsession with Jason Sudeikis
    • Lee Daniels' The Butler: a lot of time covered in 2 hours, fun to see so many big names playing historic rolls, sad yet uplifting
  • New-to-me restaurant eats:
    • McClure's BBQ: yum, yum, yum. though I don't think I will get the sandwich again, I'll stick to the plated meat.
    • Ignatius: the jambalaya was pretty darn tasty, as was the boudin
    • Liuzza's: good-ol' family style Italian restaurant, t'was ok, don't know that I need to go back.
    • Beaucoup Juice: I am not a huge snoball fan, and I couldn't finish the watermelon one I got, but it was very refreshing
  • Duck Dynasty is back Jack! Hump Day just got a little funnier :)
  • Saints are looking okay in their pre-season endeavors. AV should be back in town in time for the first real game of the year.
  • Work, work, work...

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