Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jazz Fest Time

Following in last year's style, I made it to the very last day of Jazz Fest. There wasn't any major act playing that I was dying to see (though, I suppose the Foo Fighters were the "big name" of the day) which made going with everyone else's flow easier. AV, Evan, and I headed over bright and early with our hats/visors, chairs, and of course, tickets and met up with others. 

Crawfish Bread!! I fell in love with this yummy treat last year at Jazz Fest, so of course I had to get one again this year!  The only other time I have had the pleasure of eating this heavenly culinary creation was at French Quarter Festival this year. SOOOO good!!

Justine, Mara, and Evan in the "Jazz Tent" getting some much needed relief from the sun!

AV and I soaked up some sun at the "Acura Stage" while listening to Galactic perform.

For the occasion I purchased a floppity hat :) 

I took a similar picture last year at the end of the feet were quite dirty again 

Despite the fact that I applied sun screen (as did everyone else I was hanging out with) I managed to get rather sun burnt! My shoulders, upper back, and knee caps were super sore for about three days after the festivities had ended and I am now almost completely peeled! 

Another NOLA Festival come and gone.

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