Wednesday, May 30, 2012

AM Flights Hate Me

As many of you may know, I missed my 6:00am flight home on Saturday and was pushed to the 12:45 departure. I accidentally set my alarm for 4:30 PM instead of AM. Sigh. This is the second early flight I have managed to miss. Perhaps it is the universe's way of telling me what I already suspected: I am not a morning person and should not attempt to schedule anything before mid-morning! I did eventually make it home and enjoyed a lovely 48 hours of family time.

I visited with my grandparents, hung out with my brother, rummaged through some boxes of keepsakes, flipped through my old scrapbooks, loved on my dog and cat, had an impromptu family get-together on Memorial Day, and spent some time with my folks. 

I love out-of-airplane-window pictures :)

Now its back to reality and really hot weather!

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