Friday, March 18, 2011

Doughnut Discovery

During Mardi Gras a lot of walking occurs. Parking spaces are hard to come by, and honestly, most folks are not in any condition to be driving any way. Therefore, people do a lot of footwork to get to parades and other social events.

While strolling to an evening parade, Nick, Ben, Lawrence, and I stumbled across a new shop on Magazine Street that sells Italian Ice and the cutest, tastiest little doughnuts ever! They have an awesome machine that you can watch make the shape, then they float along frying on one side until a scoop flips them over onto the next level of oil that fries them on the other side, then once they are ready they are flipped into a tray where the person operating everything sugars them. The end result is a light, softly sugared piece of heaven.

Simply delicious.

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