Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holiday Cheer

After putting in a ton of hours at work, I was finally able to head home for the holidays. While in Virginia I saw both sides of the family, had a long dinner and good chat with a friend, went to the Christmas Eve service at church, did a little cooking, watched it snow outside, played with the pets, and enjoyed not setting an alarm clock. 
My favorite hymn, Bryan all tuckered out after opening gifts, my new cantaloupe ornament, and snow on the mountains behind the house.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

After Christmas Christmas Party

We had our work Holiday Party Thursday night. It is always fun to socialize and get to know fellow co-workers outside of the work setting. Kitchen folks, office folks, and store folks all mingled and were merry!
The "sisters" (clockwise from me: Laura, Jess, Lulu, Averill and Amy) & a pretty selfie of me, Laura and Lulu
Laura & I channeling Buzz Lightyear due to the spacey looking art behind us & Tariq with Jamie, Sara, and Mandy getting a sneaky selfie in!

Who says a Christmas party has to happen before December 25th??

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Taste of Tailgating

I have never tailgated before. I did not go to a school with a football team and though I have attended a hand full of Saints games, I've just never partook in the pre-game festivities. Last Sunday however, Brie and I fell into some tickets and ended up tailgating with Amy before watching the Saints shut it down 41-0!
Amy & Me, then Brie hanging out under the interstate ramp with the Superdome in the background.
In our awesome seats that were made even more awesome by the fact that the Saints pummeled the Buccaneers!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Norman Reedus Love

So next to the show Dexter, my favorite "serial drama" is definitely The Walking Dead. And next to Dexter the character (Michael C. Hall), my favorite socially awkward-yet lovable bad ass is definitely Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus). Pretty much if you like TWD you love Daryl--he's a fan favorite for sure. I follow him on Twitter which is how I have come to  hear about two recent live interviews he was doing.
Left: Extra Skype-style interview with fans. Right: MTV's "Big & Best Of 2012" live interview.
Nothing like sitting at work on my lunch break with my headphones in laughing about Norman telling the world about the oddest things fans have given him (squirrel meat in a plastic bag, a breast implant, tons of stuffed animals, etc.). He really seems like a very pleasant person and though he has been an actor for years (The Boondock Saints, American Gangster) I feel like playing a post-apocalyptic zombie killing machine with a soft side has been his best role and luckily the writers have been giving his character more depth and screen time. Though The Walking Dead just had its mid-season finale that left Daryl in a less-than-ideal situation, I have faith that his time is not over and that he will continue to develop on the show. If the writers kill him off...there may be a riot that ensues!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pilot Light Conqueror

When my handy dandy clock/calendar/thermometer/moon-phase-guide said that it was 45 degrees outside and 61 degrees in my room I decided that it was time to turn the heat on! So, like most normal people this day and age would, I flicked the thermostat to "HEAT" and waited to hear that magical *poof* sound that means modern technology will prevent me from freezing to death. The *poof* came and I prepared to bundle up in bed and bask in the warmth...but the warmth didn't come. My vent was spitting out chilly air. No bueno. one else was home, so it was up to me to figure this out. First step: make sure I tuned the thermostat to "HEAT" and not "AC" (I mean, I consider myself pretty smart, but I could have accidentally done that). Nope, it was indeed on "HEAT". So I started poking around in the laundry room where I know the furnace is located. After struggling to remove the metal panel separating me from the innards and making sure I had read and re-read the instructions at least three times--I don't want to be responsible for blowing our house up!--I found the spot where the pilot light was supposed to be lit.
Again a struggle ensued. Per the instructions I was holding the button down that lets gas flow with one hand and wiggling my lighter towards the pilot with the other but nothing was happening. Sad face. Who can help me figure out what I am doing wrong? At this hour, I guess I'll see if my brother can be of assistance--maybe he is still up. Via a few texts and a picture of a valve it was concluded that there was no gas flowing. A slight flip of a knob and voila: gas! Again with the pushing of the button and the lighter and *poof* the pilot was lit!
Once I was sure the flame was going to keep chugging along I put all of the metal doors back on and turned the power on to everything, re-flicked the thermostat to "HEAT" and BAM!! Warm air was flowing out of the vents! I feel a little badass for being able to get it going sorta on my own--thanks LB for being up and willing to help out.
I'm not going to freeze tonight!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Not A Winning Season

Welp, looks like the Saints won't be making it to the play-offs this year. Their season has been less than mediocre with a current record of 5 wins and 8 losses. There are still three more games to see if they can squeak out an 8-8 season. Playing without Sean Payton coaching and continuously dealing with the repercussions of "Bounty Gate" have proven to be too much for the boys in black and gold. While the Superbowl will be hosted at the Dome in February, the only Saints players that will be there will be the ones watching from the stands. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What's With the Warm Weather??

My internal thermometer is freaking out. December/Christmas time is supposed to be cold weather time. Every day this past week has been at least 70 degrees here. I know that I live in a warmer climate than I grew up in, but the weather in early November felt more like holiday season than it does now. Work has picked up...I am not going in today out of principle, but Sunday will see my putting in extra hours... so I know that technically it is Christmas time, but if I look at my handy Weather Channel app on my phone it says today's high is 75 and tomorrow 78. Thankfully it appears that a cold front will be coming in next week and dropping us into the 60s (woo hoo!). Hard to believe this time in two weeks I will be on a plane flying home: where it will really feel like Christmas!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Oh Duck Dynasty!

It was only a matter of time before my curiosity would get the best of me... I held out for a while, but this week I was flipping through the channels and stumbled upon the latest redneck phenomenon: Duck Dynasty. What the hell?! There are soooo many men with loooong bushy hair and beards to match! I have only seen a few episodes, and most not in their entirety but my conclusion is that a tight-knit family of Louisiana's finest made millions by doing something they enjoy (making duck calls) and now choose to spend their money on hair-brained ideas that sound fun while also annoying the hell out of each other! It certainly makes for some interesting viewing. I haven't picked a favorite yet, but Si is up there due to his happy-go-lucky, lovable idiot demeanor along with possibly Jase because of his delicate blend of sarcasm mixed with matter-of-fact sensibility. Guess I'll have to keep watching and see which one grows on me more! Hehe! 

Here's a little clip for anyone who hasn't been fortunate enough to see this nugget of television gold:

Monday, November 26, 2012

How Is It Nearly December?

Thanksgiving consisted of me making a box of Stove Top stuffing, going to see the newest Twilight movie by myself, and then wrapping myself up in my fleece snuggie and watching Hatfields & McCoys while lying on the couch. Wonderful :) I mean, of course I would have prefered to be in Virginia with loved ones enjoying family traditions, but since I had to work Friday and traveling for one day wasn't an option, I suppose my day wasn't too bad.
While I did not join in the madness that is Black Friday (that somehow seeped into Thursday night too this year?!), I did venture to Target after work, once the crowds had subsided. I wasn't going for anything in particular really, just regular life things: conditioner, deoderant, Christmas cards, etc. and I wanted to look for a new book to read. There was no stampede to dodge, or long lines to wait in, or caddy women trying to steal my stuff, just plain ol' regular shopping. Sigh. That's the way I like it!
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us I am on the slippery slope into holiday hell at work. Whoopie! In a month it will be over and I will be able to breathe for about 4 days then the insanity of Mardi Gras will begin. My immune system must know this is all coming because it already went caput on me. I spent the entire weekend fighting off a cold/sinus/allergy/idontevenknowwhat by sleeping a ton, drinking hot tea, and keeping a steady stream of medicine in my system. I am still not feeling my best, but hopefully on my way back to 100%.

Monday, November 19, 2012

PoBoy Festival Time Again

It is that time of year again...The Oak Street PoBoy Festival was Sunday. The weather was great! Sunny, about 70 degrees, slight breeze. Beautiful. Along with the wonderful atmosphere there were plenty of wonderful poboys to be had! 

We stood in a line that stretched further than the length of a block for an hour and twenty minutes to get one of the coveted GW Fin's Fried Lobster PoBoy (AV and I split one) and OMG it was delicious!! This is Brie, AV, me, and our "line buddy" Mark.

 My only other sandwich was a Cochon de Lait from Saltwater Grill. It was super yummy too! Some lovely ladies joined us--me, Amy, and Lulu.

 It was rather crowded this year but I think it was because the Saints game (which they totally dominated against the Raiders!) was at 3:00 so folks were grubbing before kickoff--I know I was!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Life Lately With AV

There has been a looooot of AV time recently--at work, at home, everywhere. 

Brie, AV and I went to Creole Creamery and per usual I got the sampler. It was not a winner. Not at all. From left to right: Pink Champagne with Hibiscus, Apple Crumble, Black and Gold Crunch, and Pear/Ginger Sorbet. 
No taste, no taste, tried-and-true, and too strong. Blah.

Selfie in the work truck (we were stopped at a red light) on our way to deliver a life-size gingerbread man to the Lakeside Mall. Spreadin' that holiday cheer!

 My nails have nothing to do with AV but I just had them done and I like them! I went with a deep purple for fall.

Another 3-person outing resulted in this platter of sushi! Man I have been craving Kyoto! It has been so long.

A few more days of 24/7 AV then he will be off to Texas for Thanksgiving with family before continuing his traveling adventures. After being around him so much these past few weeks I guess I'm going to miss him some. Haha!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chilly Willy

The temperatures have been dipping loooow at night recently. We are still resisting turning on the heat, but last night I broke down and whipped out not only my slippers but had to turn on my heated mattress pad! It was glorious...until my alarm went off and I had to face the cold hard truth: our house does not have heated bathroom floors :(

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Christmas Questionnaire in November

I know it is a little early, but I saw this on a fellow blogger's site and felt compelled to fill it out myself! Even though it is nearly 80 degrees outside and does not feel the least bit like Christmas I am hoping to escape reality for a moment and pretend I am at home for the holiday!

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Gross: neither. If I had to choose I guess Hot Chocolate, but I would not enjoy it!

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? When I was a kid he just sat them under the tree: that's how you knew the difference between gifts from him v. gifts from family.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Growing up we had both depending on my mom's choice each year. I prefer all white.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? We have in the past, but it is not necessarily a real tradition.

5. When do you put your decorations up? Since not living at home I have had sparse decorations but I put them up towards the beginning of December--never before Thanksgiving. Mom...well... she prefers to wait until about 2 weeks before Christmas.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? My Maw-maw's turkey salad is delicious!

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? One year when I was probably 8 or 9 years old we put a tree up in the basement and all sat around and listened to Christmas records on my parents old record player. It was night time and there was a fire built. It felt like no one had anything else in the world they needed to be doing.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I honestly do not remember when I found out. I don't recollect it being a traumatic event either. Just part of growing up I suppose. I don't remember telling my little brother either...not sure how he found out.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Nope.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Living on my own I have not had a tree to decorate but my mom's tree = a lot of Hallmark ornaments, ones my brother and I made as kids, some from my mom's childhood/younger adult life, random gifts from people over the years.

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? I like the first snow of the season when it is happening, and then I want it to all go away and never come back! When it semi-melts and becomes a slushy mess I hate it. (Haven't had this problem since living in New Orleans!)

12. Can you ice skate?  I have never tried--but would like to.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Oh goodness...I don't think I could pick a favorite. I enjoy/appreciate all of the gifts I have ever received.

14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being with family and laughing.

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Mom's Rum Cake: now that is a tradition!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Though I have not been able to do this in a few years, I always enjoy participating in my home town's "Christmas Basket" program. A few Saturdays before Christmas locals show up at the Virginia Horse Center early in the morning and begin an assembly line of packing boxes with food, toiletries, and toys for local needy families. It is always nice to see so many people work hard to make it happen. Young and old, students and families--there is always a good size crowd that volunteer their time and energy to help provide for those less fortunate.

17. What tops your tree? Not sure where it came from, but an ivory crocheted angel.

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? Giving. I enjoy putting effort into gifts and in an ideal world I would I be able to come up with a fun theme each year to wrap/present each gift!

19. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum? I could stand to eat one during the holidays then I am good for another year.

20. Favorite Christmas show? The Family Stone

21. Saddest Christmas Song? Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer

22. What is your favorite Christmas song? I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

Well that was fun! Now I feel like listening to Christmas tunes all day.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Let the Madness Begin

November. It is finally here and now the Holiday Season (i.e. Sucre's Busy Season) is upon us. All week I have been working on the final organizational touches of the Packaging Room attempting to utilize every square inch of the limited space we have. Our large shipment of branded packaging has been trickling in with the remainder arriving around Thanksgiving. With the assistance of placing blurbs on our Facebook page I have been able to avoid Craigslist and am building up the seasonal work force quickly. Last year I remember spending countless hours pouring over resumes and cover letters, scheduling and conducting interviews, then finally settling on a group of people from the long line of weirdos I met. (We all know how much I looooove hiring people as referenced here and here!) Well not this year. No sir. If you send in a decently competent response to our ad, are available during the days/hours I need help, and show up when I ask you to then you've got a job! My hope is that everything is going to come together in the coming weeks and we will work like a well-oiled machine to pre-package all that we can and be as prepared as possible for the madness that hits in mid-December (that is three hyphens in one sentence!). Sigh. I might as well go buy a few cases of RedBull now and stock up!

Monday, November 5, 2012

4 Roommates, 3 Festivals, 1 Day

Saturday = Festival Day. Brie, Evan, AV and I stopped in at the Scandinavian Festival on Prytania Street to see what it was all about. AV and Evan enjoyed some open-faced sandwiches consisting of salmon, beef, liver pate, etc. There was a mini craftshow type area that had some unique items for sale (the creepy troll looking thing being one of these "unique" items).
After we took in all of the sights at the Nordic event we continued down the river to the Caribbean Festival in Lafayette Square. Unforunately Festival #2 was a major bust. The flyer we looked up online looked sketchy, then when we drove by the turnout was laughable so we skipped that adventure and headed to the Bywater for Festival #3!
The Mirliton Festival changed locations this year but was still deep in the Bywater. As always we indulged in some yummy mirliton dishes (mine was a seafood stuffed mirliton with some kind of creamy dill sauce on top) while listening to local bands play. Most food/music festivals tend to also have a crafts area. The sign below was one of the many gems I saw for sale.
The weather has turned warm again (low 80's) and it does not feel like November, but it sure does make for some nice festival weather!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

NASCAR Legend Richard Petty

For Halloween AV channeled his inner NASCAR driver and went as Richard Petty. I think he pulled it off rather well!
AV on the left-Richard on the right
Here is Richard chilling with an Axe Murderer and Evan dressed as Roger Rabbit!
In my usual fashion, I had ZERO desire to dress up and partake in the debauchery. Instead I stayed in and watched scary movies all night!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home Is Where You Don't Sleep In

Last week I went home for a few days to visit and soak in some REAL fall weather ( was warmer than I expected when I got there). Since Dad, Bryan, and others were replacing the roof on the house, there was no need for an alarm clock...nor was there any chance of sleeping in! While the men folk worked I hung out with my buddy Lucky (when he wasn't ignoring me--I think he is mad at me for not visiting more often.)
I took Grandmaw on a drive through Goshen Pass to see the leaves--though they were not as pretty as I had hoped they would be-- and we stopped by the hunting cabin to check on things. I miss going there during hunting season to eat deer meat, hang out with family that I don't see often, and sit in front of the stone fireplace to get warmed up.
I visited with my Maw-maw and Paw-paw too. We baked some Amish bread/cake for dad and chatted about life over a piece of Coconut Cream Pie (the best in the world in my opinion!) The weather was gorgeous both days I was in Lexington: unseasonably warm, but very nice!
My last 3 days in Virginia were spent in Richmond and Williamsburg for "Girl's Weekend" with mom, Judy and Nita. We wandered through a craft show, giggled, spent an entire day at the outlet mall, giggled, ate a lot of chocolate, giggled, continually adjusted the temperature in the car, giggled, and then when we had spent all of our money and were dead tired we giggled some more! LOL!
By Sunday the weather was looking iffy due to Sandy coming up the east coast, but my flight out of Richmond was unaffected and I zipped back down to NOLA that night. Though it seemed like I rushed from one thing to the next, I am glad that I got to see a lot of family while in town!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

"Purple" Green Beans

Hollygrove Market had "purple" beans for sale the other day and I could not turn down a chance to give them a shot. My little stack cost a whopping 31 cents! They were a deep purple color, but for all other intents and purposes looked like a regular green bean.
I snipped off the scraggly ends
 The insides were a green color and shortly after being plopped into the boiling water the skins were turning green as well
 Not going to lie--I was kind of disappointed that my "purple" beans pretty much looked like green beans after being cooked. They tasted like a regular green bean too. Interesting

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Festivals & Other Adventures with Cori

While Cori was in town we didn't just hang out in Abita Springs. We did NOLA things too! There were two festivals that weekend so we hit them both up on different days.
The Louisiana Seafood Festival took place near the river and included an art market, lots of yummy seafood dishes, and music. We watched Johnny Sketch and the Dirty Notes perform (love them!). ~*~ While on the Northshore we meandered through Covington scoping out the houses and shops. This tree obviously did not get the memo about the road being built.
Me, Brie, and Cori heading to Bayou Beer Garden for a "last day" at work get-together for my co-worker. ~*~ The view of the New Orleans skyline way in the distance from the Causeway bridge (24 miles long and oh so straight!)
The Blues & BBQ Festival was the other main event happening in town. I discovered my love for grits this weekend. BBQ pulled pork over cheese grits = heaven!!
We wined (not was more of a beer/liquor group) and dined, explored and documented, chatted and laughed and overall had a mighty fun visit!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Abita Brewery Tour

While in Abita Springs visiting the Abita Mystery House, we also stopped by the Abita Brewery to take a tour and do a little tasting.
A lovely creation of Louisiana made from Abita Beer bottle caps.
Containers of different types of malt. ~*~ The multiple taps we could self-serve from. (I am not a bartender that's for sure...there was a lot of foam in my cup)
Inside the facility where the beer is created was hot and muggy. The tour itself was short and sweet. Folks in Louisiana just want to drink the rest is kind of blah blah blah!
 Outside we wanted to document our trip. Goofy and fun :)
While it was not what I thought it was going to be, it was nice to get to try a few beers that I would not normally taste. I am not a big beer drinker period, but the Abita Golden was do-able.
I also learned that Abita is sold in the 48 contiguous states, that they are a very "green" company, and that they make 20 different brews (if you include their Root Beer!) Woo hoo!