Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Home Is Where You Don't Sleep In

Last week I went home for a few days to visit and soak in some REAL fall weather ( was warmer than I expected when I got there). Since Dad, Bryan, and others were replacing the roof on the house, there was no need for an alarm clock...nor was there any chance of sleeping in! While the men folk worked I hung out with my buddy Lucky (when he wasn't ignoring me--I think he is mad at me for not visiting more often.)
I took Grandmaw on a drive through Goshen Pass to see the leaves--though they were not as pretty as I had hoped they would be-- and we stopped by the hunting cabin to check on things. I miss going there during hunting season to eat deer meat, hang out with family that I don't see often, and sit in front of the stone fireplace to get warmed up.
I visited with my Maw-maw and Paw-paw too. We baked some Amish bread/cake for dad and chatted about life over a piece of Coconut Cream Pie (the best in the world in my opinion!) The weather was gorgeous both days I was in Lexington: unseasonably warm, but very nice!
My last 3 days in Virginia were spent in Richmond and Williamsburg for "Girl's Weekend" with mom, Judy and Nita. We wandered through a craft show, giggled, spent an entire day at the outlet mall, giggled, ate a lot of chocolate, giggled, continually adjusted the temperature in the car, giggled, and then when we had spent all of our money and were dead tired we giggled some more! LOL!
By Sunday the weather was looking iffy due to Sandy coming up the east coast, but my flight out of Richmond was unaffected and I zipped back down to NOLA that night. Though it seemed like I rushed from one thing to the next, I am glad that I got to see a lot of family while in town!

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