Monday, November 26, 2012

How Is It Nearly December?

Thanksgiving consisted of me making a box of Stove Top stuffing, going to see the newest Twilight movie by myself, and then wrapping myself up in my fleece snuggie and watching Hatfields & McCoys while lying on the couch. Wonderful :) I mean, of course I would have prefered to be in Virginia with loved ones enjoying family traditions, but since I had to work Friday and traveling for one day wasn't an option, I suppose my day wasn't too bad.
While I did not join in the madness that is Black Friday (that somehow seeped into Thursday night too this year?!), I did venture to Target after work, once the crowds had subsided. I wasn't going for anything in particular really, just regular life things: conditioner, deoderant, Christmas cards, etc. and I wanted to look for a new book to read. There was no stampede to dodge, or long lines to wait in, or caddy women trying to steal my stuff, just plain ol' regular shopping. Sigh. That's the way I like it!
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us I am on the slippery slope into holiday hell at work. Whoopie! In a month it will be over and I will be able to breathe for about 4 days then the insanity of Mardi Gras will begin. My immune system must know this is all coming because it already went caput on me. I spent the entire weekend fighting off a cold/sinus/allergy/idontevenknowwhat by sleeping a ton, drinking hot tea, and keeping a steady stream of medicine in my system. I am still not feeling my best, but hopefully on my way back to 100%.

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