Monday, September 21, 2015

Twilight: We Did It

Many moons ago, when I lived in Roanoke, Movie Sarah coerced me into watching Twilight with her one evening. Her DVD player stopped working, but I had seen enough that I wanted to finish the movie, so I took it back to my place. I admit, I watched the ending then re-watched the entire thing before returning the disc. Since then I have gone to see each film as it came out and have read the books twice. No, this is no stellar acting nor writing. No Oscars or Pulitzer Prices being handed out for this work. When you really think about it, the story is all kinds of messed up and sends young people a very warped message about love (you shouldn't be professing your "irrevocable" love at 17 to someone you literally just met). But I digress. Sara had never been exposed to the love triangle that is Bella, Edward and Jacob so I set out to remedy that.

On Saturday we plopped down on her couch and proceeded to marathon our way through all five movies. Twilight. New Moon. Eclipse. Breaking Dawn: Part 1. Breaking Dawn: Part 2. All 10 hours and 8 minutes. Between each film we would break for the bathroom and a refill of beverage and plate. To make the day more special, I brought some themed treats! Apples (from the first film and title book cover), mushroom ravioli (what Bella ordered at the restaurant in Port Angeles), berry cobbler (Charlie orders it every time he goes to the diner), deer meat (the Cullens are "vegetarians" and you see them hunting deer and other large game), and "puppy chow" (to represent the werewolves): a pumpkin pie version as well as the original chocolate/peanut butter option. Sara provided some additional Italiano grub in the form of pizza bites as well as blood red themed drink! 

Watching everything back-to-back like that really helped you see the progression in their filming budget as well as the vision different directors brought to the project. The production value of the first movie is so ridiculously low. The whole thing is so cheesy and very blue/gray tinted. I hated the way they tried to make the vampires look like they were fast. There were definitely improvements in the special effects department as the movies came out. The last two, Breaking Dawn 1 & 2, were so much prettier to view! 

It was fun to watch with someone who didn't know the ends and outs of the story. No, the vampires don't have fangs. Yes, they sparkle in the sunlight. No, the wolves don't just turn during a full moon. Yes, there can be girl wolves too. I'm glad we did it :) Go Team Edward!

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