Monday, June 22, 2015

It Is Still June, Right?

I randomly found myself in a Hobby Lobby the other day after work (hoping a little retail therapy would alleviate some stress). This being only my second visit ever to the craft Mecca, I was not entering the premise with any particular plan. I soon discovered that HL has nearly anything and everything you could ever want or need to decorate a home; it is unreal. 
As I wandered up and down the isles, talking myself out of buying every other thing I laid my eyes on, I turned a corner and had to do a double take. I'm talking mid-June here and there, in front of me was a wall of pumpkins and fall decor. I continued to be confounded by the seasonal items already available for purchase. I literally exclaimed "oh dear God!" when I saw the Christmas decorations. I'm sure that is somehow sacrilegious due to the holiday theme itself as well as the widely known Christian beliefs of the company's founder. Still, come on! I love fall and Christmas is easily my favorite holiday, but when I  break a sweat walking from my car to the entrance of the building, it is too hot and too early to be seeing this stuff!

Not okay.


Not okay.


Definitely NOT okay.

I'm all for planning ahead, but lets not rush the seasons that much, eh? Christmas is over 6 months away!

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