Sunday, June 28, 2015

Clean Eating Challenge: Days 6, 7 & 8

Into the weekend...

Day 6
Breakfast: Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Snack: Cucumber & Hard Boiled Egg
Lunch: Carrot Ribbon Salad with Chickpeas, Fig, & Pistachios
Dinner: Collard wrapped Turkey Burger
Snack: Coconut & Pistachio stuffed Date

I had high hopes for my morning smoothie. Everything that went into it I like on its own. Imagine my disappointment when I took my first sip and impulsively gagged! On the front end it is all fruity and great, but then the almond butter hits you as an after taste and it is disgusting. I had a co-worker try some to make sure that I wasn’t just being dramatic. She concurred, repulsive. After letting my thermos sit on my desk for about thirty minutes I accepted the fact that there was no way I was going to get that smoothie down without terrible consequences, so to the sink it went. Boooo.  

I tried to hold off on eating lunch for as long as possible, but the lack of dessert the night before and breakfast in the AM caused the hunger pangs to hit sooner. I altered the dressing to exclude apple cider vinegar and include lime juice. This was an interesting “salad”. I got a lot of funny looks at work while crunching a mound of carrot shavings! It wasn’t horrible but it is not going into my repertoire of recipes either.
My cucumber was kind of bitter: maybe it was the skin? I did not finish eating the whole thing. A hard boiled egg isn’t terribly exciting, but I put a pinch of pepper on top and it wasn’t so bad. My theory is that my taste buds are translating everything as bitter because they are being denied sweet ;)
Of course I would have loved an actual bread bun, but that turkey burger was awesome!! I inhaled it (which goes against one of the things I am trying to focus on, eating slower). Melty cheese, creamy avocado, juicy tomato. Yes! I’ll make this again, but I am going to have to think about the bun situation.
I never got around to eating my dates stuffed with pistachio and coconut though I made them.

Thoughts: The day started off on a rocky note with breakfast being a bust, lunch being so-so and the mid-day snack being less than impressive, but luckily dinner was a major winner!

Day 7
Breakfast: Coconut, Pineapple & Avocado Smoothie
Snack: Apple & Almond Butter
Lunch: Soft Boiled Egg with Sweet Potato Soldiers, Roasted Tomatoes & Kale Salad
DinnerShrimp & Snow Pea Stir-Fry with Cauliflower "Rice"
Snack: Blackberries & Pistachios

Remember how I said I was feeling kind of tired this week? Yeah, I slept for 12 hours and woke up well after an respectable breakfast time. That being said, I skipped the smoothie and the first snack. I began my day with lunch but I fixed it a bit different than instructed. I appreciate the creator's effort to make eggs differently throughout the challenge (hard boiled, soft boiled, in a frittata, fried, and baked), but I am a scrambled egg/omelet kind of gal. I also do not prefer hot tomatoes, so I sliced them up and ate them raw with pepper along with the roasted sweet potatoes and a kale, Parmesan, egg scramble.
Because lunch was so late, it pushed dinner into late evening. I don't cook a lot of meat at home, mainly because I am not confident in my abilities, but this shrimp dish was very easy and very delicious! I would make this again, but perhaps swapping out the snow peas for asparagus though. Garlic, ginger, shallots, yummy!
No time or desire for the evening snack, though I like blackberries & pistachios. Just not enough time in the day to eat everything when you sleep a good chunk of it away!

Thoughts: I know that I did not eat everything on the menu today, but the parts that I did eat were good. I am now leery of smoothies the one I was supposed to eat this morning sounded okay. 

One week down. One to go. I have not really missed gluten in its various forms. I know some folks are all about the bread in life, and I love a good wheat fest, but it really hasn't been that big of a deal for me. Now chocolate/sweet treats of the sort on the other hand: that I have noticeably missed.

Day 8
Breakfast: Baked Eggs in Garlicy Collard Greens & Sweet Potatoes
Snack: Blueberries & Pistachios
Lunch: White Bean, Cucumber & Tomato Herb Salad
Dinner: Roast Pork Loin & Butternut Squash with Grapefruit & Arugula Salad

Being the weekend and all I did not get up too terribly early this morning, but I made the breakfast any way. Well, I made my version. As noted above, I don't care for all of these fancy ways of cooking eggs. Just mixed them up with a spatula and cook them until they aren't running. Done. I did not care for the collard greens too much, I would have preferred spinach. 
Later in the afternoon I mixed blackberries and blueberries with pistachios for a snack.
While lunch sounded really refreshing and light, I did not make it. I will keep that recipe tucked away for future use. Dinner came together well. I've never tried butternut squash before but it was easy to prepare and has a very mild taste. Roasting vegetables has to the easiest way to prepare them! I gave grapefruit another try and with removing all of the bitter pith it was much more palatable.
After I finish typing up this post I am going to savor my chocolate snack!!! How many days has it been? Four I think. That is definitely a record for me. 

Thoughts: Due to my sleeping habits I seem to not require as much food on the weekends. I have skipped a few meals recently but have not felt hungry or deprived. 

Let's see how the rest of the week goes...

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