Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Girl's Weekend

Earlier this month I made a trip home and was able to tag along for Girl's Weekend with mom, Nita and Judy. We hit up a bunch of Goodwills and consignment shops instead of the traditional craft shows this year but did not abandon our outlet mall custom. Per usual we bought more than we needed, ate more than we should have, and spent more time giggling than anything else! 

Early morning selfies with our loot

 Grandmaw joined us this year :) Her expression was applicable most of the time!

A slightly better selfie inside the car

Dale, our annual photographer, snapped the gang at the end of our adventure!

I have missed a few Girl's Weekends since moving down south, but I am super thankful when I do make it home for them. We always have the most fun and create happy memories :)

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