Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Roommate Sarah's Wedding

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of flying home to Virginia for Roommate Sarah & Lane's wedding!
I met Sarah my senior year of college in 2008. She and Lane began dating later that summer. She and I moved into an apartment together after graduation, enjoying our time in the Grandin area while figuring out the "real" world. After two years of being roommates, I moved to New Orleans, while Sarah embarked upon grad school in NYC. Lane joined her in the Big Apple where they lived together until settling back into Roanoke once Sarah had graduated.
The Bride & Groom | Bouquet
 Aryn, Me, Sarah, Lane, Sarah, Holly, and Ruth (Roanoke girls + Groom)
After the ceremony and reception we gathered at a restaurant/bar in downtown Roanoke to continue socializing. It was so nice to see a bunch of gals I went to college with and catch up with everyone. We're all scattered across the country these days: Virginia, New York, California, New Orleans... hard to believe we graduated over five years ago!!

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