Sunday, April 7, 2013

Movie Mania

Boredom often leads me on the road to the movie theater. I have no problem going to see a flick by myself and typically end up going solo. You aren't supposed to talk during the film anyway, so it makes sense to not sit beside someone you normally communicate with! Any way... my most recent cinematic adventures have been various. Check out my reviews below:
Spring Breakers: B+
This racey film has received many mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike. I did some research before seeing the movie so I was not shocked when it was NOT an American Pie/Superbad/Road Trip/Old School kind of production. There was not a lot of dialogue and the little bit that was spoken was often repeated numerous times. Scenery shots were frequently repeated as well. While the thought of James Franco decked out in cornrows, tattoos, and a mouth grill is certainly comical, there were no "funny" moments outside of a few ironic shots. I particularly enjoyed the multiple Britney Spears montages spread throughout the film. I completely understand why most people will not enjoy this movie, but I found myself okay with its oddness and am willing to see it again. Spring Breakers is definitely one of those movies that a parent would see and say "there's no way in hell my kid is EVER going on Spring Break!" It earned its "R" rating for sure.

Olympus Has Fallen: C-
This movie was what it was. There were big names (Morgan Freeman, Gerard Butler, Angela Basset, Aaron Eckhart, etc.) to draw you in, but the special effects and over the top action sequences were mediocre and cheesy. There was the quintessential good-guy-who-turns-out-to-be-a-bad-guy moment, the seemingly-failure-man-who-turns-out-to-be-a-hero in the end character, the macho-guy-nice-girl-love-on-the-rocks situation, and of course a terrorist-needs-information-but-he's-gonna-have-to-beat-it-out-of-the-president scene. Too campy and predictable for me. 

Evil Dead: B-
I have not seen the original Evil Dead, so perhaps that could be why I was a little underwhelmed by this insanely gory film. I love a good scary movie, but the formula of a crazy intense scene with heart attack-inducing music that suddenly comes to a head then immediately switches to the next scene of light-hearted filler is not my cup of tea. This movie did that a lot. I cannot imagine the budget for fake blood on this production. It seriously rained blood for a good 7-10 minutes of the film. I prefer a smarter horror movie like Cabin in the Woods (that was a good movie!). 

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