Saturday, April 14, 2012

From One Obsession to the Next

So as I may have mentioned a time or two on here, I sorta-kinda-most definitely-with-out-a-doubt LOVE watching Dexter. At this point I have watched seasons 1-5 (the ones that are available on DVD) 3 times and season 6 (the most recent) twice. At approximately 50 minutes a pop, 12 episodes a season, I have spent a little over 7 days of my life watching this show. 7 glorious days I might add! Season 7 will begin on September 30th and I have already started planning a premier party! (Let me know if you want to come!) Yeah, I might be a little obsessed.

However, I have been introduced to a new show that may distract me from popping that first disc of season 1 of Dexter back into my DVD player... for a while at least. The Walking Dead. Ever heard of it? Well in the last week I watched all 19 episodes of seasons 1 & 2. My plot summary: A zombie apocalypse causes a group of strangers to band together in an attempt to survive their new world. What's not to like? There is:
  • a super hot sheriff with a moral compass of gold
  • a complicated love triangle
  • suspense, humor, drama, and conflict in every episode
  • a feisty redneck who could challenge Katniss to a bow & arrow stand off any day
  • TONS of really awesome special-effects make-up
There is a very strong possibility that I will be re-watching this show from beginning to end again soon. The next season starts in the fall so I have plenty of time to juggle my two obsessions :)

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