Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jurassic World

This one time I went to the theater with Sara, Curtis, Jackie and others and we sat squished beside hundreds of strangers in a large dark room as we watched the premier showing of Jurassic World on the big screen! We did not splurge for the 3D or the IMAX experience, though I am sure those are awesome, just regular ol' normal viewing. Some fellow patrons were dressed in Jurassic Park themed outfits, and dinosaur costumes. 

The movie was loud, it was scary, it was funny, it was thrilling. Bryce Dallas Howard's terrible acting was distracting, but Chris Pratt stole the show in all of his scenes. They really upped their game with the variety of species depicted. You had long necks, flying things, triceratops, swimming kinds, raptors, T-rex, and the new kid on the block: Indominus Rex. Some were friendly while others were only out for blood. 

In preparation for the release of JW I re-watched the original Jurassic Park. It has been a good decade or more since I had watched it in its entirety. Oh Jeff Goldblum, you can drip water on my hand any day! It really is amazing the visual effects they were able to pull off in 1993. 

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