Tuesday, June 2, 2015


As I watched a guilty pleasure movie of mine, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead, I caught a line I had not tuned into before. Sue Ellen, played by the adorably young Christina Applegate, is talking with her female boss when the following exchange occurs:

Rose: "Why don't you go on home, have a glass of wine and put some cucumber slices on your eyes, you'll feel much better."
Sue Ellen: "Well, I'm all out of cucumbers."
Rose: "Sue Ellen, every girl over twenty-five should have a cucumber in the house."
I thought to myself, "I don't keep cucumbers in my house and I am most certainly over twenty-five!". So on my way home from work this evening I stopped by Whole Foods for some items and made sure to toss a cucumber in my basket. I also grabbed a lime and tangerine to accompany said cucumber in a most refreshing beverage of fruit, ginger ale and spirits. Not a bad wrap up to my Tuesday!

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