Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jazz Fest 2013

Another Jazz Fest has come and gone in NOLA. Keeping with my usual tradition, I only went on the last Sunday; unlike tradition, the weather was AWESOME! It wasn't a sweat fest this year and most people were actually wearing jackets. The previous day's rain made for a muddy mess, but I will take mud and upper 60's weather to no-mud and upper 80's weather any day!!
I went for the Pine Leaf Boys and the Black Keys. Other than those two groups I saw Trombone Shorty but that was all.
Enjoy a little snippet from the Black Keys: 
Another tradition that I didn't really realize I had until the other day when I was looking back through older photos on my phone: Every year I take a picture of my feet at Jazz Fest! They are always so dirty and I end up sitting down and snapping a here is the latest gross foot pic!Haha--enjoy!
2011 & 2012

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