Monday, April 29, 2013

Life Lately

Spring is quickly slipping into summer here in the Big Easy. With the nice weather comes nice evenings spent outdoors. I grabbed a bite to eat and a few drinks with some co-workers last week at the Rum House and while socializing at the picnic tables outside, Drew Brees (Saints Quarterback) strolled by! Sure I have seen him in the Dome, but to see him walking down the sidewalk like a normal civilian was too cool!! Apparently he had just dined at the newly opened Magazine Street Dat Dog.

Along with the nice weather comes the thunderstorms too, though I am not complaining. One day last week at work it rained hard enough to have a repeat of Lake Euphrosine appear! Yesterday was a wet one too. I dodged the rain at the theater, going to see Matthew McConaughey's newest flick, Mud. I enjoyed it. I can boil it down to the story of a young man realizing that love is not as simple as he once thought. While Michael Shannon's role is not a big one, I always like seeing him on screen.

To follow up seeing a good movie, Brie, Witt, and I wanted to have a horror movie night. I was pre-warned that Witt gets scared fairly easily, so we made sure he was okay with the selection before deciding to watch Mask Maker which turned out to be a baaaad "scary" movie. Sooo cliche, sooo predictable, such a looow budget. Oh well, you live and learn right? He assured us he will have no nightmares after watching that atrocity. We will watch Cabin in the Woods next time we want to watch a clever horror movie!

So besides seeing famous football players off the field, avoiding flood waters, and going to the movies, I've spent my time recently catching up on laundry (I swear someone was using the washer every time I wanted to for nearly a week straight!), doing a little shopping, and chatting with AV who has returned to NOLA yet again.

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