Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurrication Isaac

I am going to try to squeeze one last post in before the power goes out! 

Earlier this morning Brie and I moved our cars to the neutral ground on Jefferson. It doesn't look like its that high, but it is indeed higher than the street in front of our house. Every inch counts!

I have still been battling my obnoxious cold :( Below is a picture of my nightstand. I have been in a cough-medicine induced stupor most of the day. Since the shutters are closed on the house it has felt like night time all day. Medicine + darkness = lots of sleep!

This is where we are at currently. At least the temperature is dropping some so when the power goes it won't be quite as hot outside!

Brie, Evan, Christian, AV and I are all hunkered down at the Joseph Street House. We have stocked the fridge and freezer with water bottles/gallons of water. Our mini beer fridge is also full of our personal water bottles (not the plastic recyclable type) so we should have hydration well covered. We have our candles and flashlights handy as well as new lighters. Luckily we have a gas stove, so warm liquid/food will continue to be an option. One bath tub is full of water to be used in flushing the toilet. All shutters are closed. The AC is currently cranked up so that the house will be at its coolest when the power goes. We have already had it go out for a 15 minute period about an hour ago so I know it is only a matter of time. My phone has been on the charger all day so that it will be at 100%. 

It has been drizzling some, no hard rain yet at our place. The wind comes and goes between light to moderate gusts. Let's just hope this all blows over quickly--haha--and that my cold blows on out of here too!!

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