Sunday, August 5, 2012

Brothers of the Sun Tour

Friday evening a co-worker pal and I went to the Superdome, not for a Saints game, but a gool ol' country boy concert! Tim McGraw & Kenny Chesney put on a fun show to a nearly packed dome. I've never seen so many young girls in one place wearing cutesy dresses and cowboy boots in my life! The lines at the t-shirt booths were longer than the ones to the bathroom. I knew a lot more Tim songs than Kenny ones, but I could tap my feet to everything! 

I had no idea that Kenny is good buddies with Sean Payton! They showed footage of the country star practicing with the Saints, but since Payton was there too, it was obviously not from this year (since bounty-gate got him suspended for a year). It was fun though to incorporate the Saints into the concert some especially since the performance was on their field!

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