Friday, August 20, 2010

We Can Do It!

*Two posts in one day! Oh my!*

We may be girls, but by God Brie and I were able to change the battery in her car in the rain, (she in a skirt, me in lounge pants) with a little Pam cooking spray, a few random tools and a hand full of texts/phone calls to my brother and her dad!

After a failed attempt to jump her car with mine we concluded that her battery had seen its better days. Removing an old battery mid-thunderstorm with humidity that made it feel like we were in a jungle was super fun! The adjustable wrench we had was not working right and we didn’t have the right size bit for the socket wrench, but we made it work and somehow were able to remove the battery. Next came a trip to Advanced Auto to get the battery tested (did we do this for nothing?). The read-out said that her battery should have been producing 550 CCAs (Cold Cranking Amps) but was only doing 62! That may mean something to someone who knows anything about cars, but all we knew was she needed to fork over some cash for a new battery! The instillation went relatively smoothly but she took her car to Advanced to have them make sure things were right.

So no one can accuse us of being helpless females! The process may have been done differently than if a “professional” had come out, but we got it done with no major injuries. My fingernails are a little dirty though!

1 comment:

  1. Girl Power! Way to go... kick some butt....
