Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Thanksgiving was spent away from family yet again this year, but not all tradition was lost. I made an apple pie as I do most years (I need to remember the recipe this time, it was delicious!) and I spent my second annual turkey day with the Akey clan + Zack. Instead of being at Sara's house, dinner was served on the north shore at her parent's place. It was fun getting a glimpse into Sara's family life--seeing her room that looks like it hasn't changed much since high school, laughing at all of the pictures of her and her brother on the fridge, checking out her old swing set/play house, etc. The day was spent casually watching football, listening to stories about Sara and Curtis's childhood, a friendly competition of Heads Up, and lots of gorging on excellent food! To cap the evening off I fell victim to a refrigerator water dispenser malfunction when attempting to fill my water bottle up for the drive back south. This technological fail resulted in a soaked foot, full shoe and a small puddle in their kitchen floor but luckily we were able to stop the water fountain quickly enough! Never a dull moment. 

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