Saturday, November 30, 2013

PoBoy Festival Take 4

Last Sunday was the 7th annual Poboy Festival and my 4th year partaking in this fun day! This year was a very chilly one! Despite the windy weather the crowds were out in full force, devouring, dare I guess, thousands of loaves of Leidenheimer French bread stuffed with various goodies!
I did my part by savoring the fried lobster genius of GW Fins along with a pile of curly fries covered in pulled pork and cheese by Frencheeze Food Truck.
Andrew's buddy offered to take a picture for us, however, Brie and I have an abundance of experience with the cell phone selfie...obviously!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Best Man Holiday

It has been a while since I have indulged in a good ol' cinematic adventure, so Friday night, after a looooong week at work, Sara and I headed to the movies to relax. Good thing we got there early because in it's second week in theaters, we did not expect The Best Man Holiday to be a PACKED viewing! Not that it bothered us any, but we were definitely two of maybe a dozen white people in the entire theater! LOL!

This was a sequel to a movie that came out in 1999 but neither of us have seen the original. Regardless the movie was still fun. We laughed. We cried. We were surprised at how much we cried! Overall it was very enjoyable :) I would see it again. They certainly set it up for a third movie to be released later!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

China Dirt

My hump day started with a little Hanson Christmas sing-a-long on my drive to work where I was swiftly greeted by a tractor trailer driver dropping off a shipping container full of packaging. A little over a month ago we received our first container from this order filled with pretty macaron and chocolate boxes. It took over half a dozen of us working outside on a sunny day to unload and organize everything but we got it done. Unfortunately, I had not given much thought to the amount of manual labor this task would require and thus dressed inappropriately for the day: jeans, t-shirt and Danskos. Learning from the first large shipment of the season, I went for comfy clothes this go-round: gym pants, t-shirt, tennis shoes. Much better. Regardless of what one wears to unload these monstrosities, touching that much cardboard that was packed in a huge metal box, shipped across the Pacific Ocean, then transported via rail three quarters of the way across the country guarantees that you'll be covered in filth by the end of the day. I affectionately refer to this filth as "China dirt". Hands, arms, face, clothes, shoes, everything is covered in China dirt by the time you make it to the back of the container. Delivery days don't happen often, about two to three times a year, but when they do they are certainly not glamorous days... not at all!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Earlier this week the temperatures dipped down into the 30s! Upper 30s at night but 30s none-the-less. It was nice... I put my heated mattress pad on my bed, turned that sucker on and climbed under three big blankets. I was as snug as a bug in a rug I tell you! "Winter" had begun. Ha! Today it is threatening to reach 80. Weirdest weather ever. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Roommate Sarah's Wedding

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of flying home to Virginia for Roommate Sarah & Lane's wedding!
I met Sarah my senior year of college in 2008. She and Lane began dating later that summer. She and I moved into an apartment together after graduation, enjoying our time in the Grandin area while figuring out the "real" world. After two years of being roommates, I moved to New Orleans, while Sarah embarked upon grad school in NYC. Lane joined her in the Big Apple where they lived together until settling back into Roanoke once Sarah had graduated.
The Bride & Groom | Bouquet
 Aryn, Me, Sarah, Lane, Sarah, Holly, and Ruth (Roanoke girls + Groom)
After the ceremony and reception we gathered at a restaurant/bar in downtown Roanoke to continue socializing. It was so nice to see a bunch of gals I went to college with and catch up with everyone. We're all scattered across the country these days: Virginia, New York, California, New Orleans... hard to believe we graduated over five years ago!!