Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quarter Life Crisis?

I am twenty four years old. That isn’t that old, is it? I feel like I have so much time ahead of me to live life, make mistakes, experience things, and learn lessons. But do I? I can’t keep pushing things off with the “I will do that someday” attitude. Brie and I went to see Knight & Day the other evening and normally I am not a Cameron Diaz fan, but her character said something that stuck with me: “Someday. That's a dangerous word. It's really just a code for 'never'”. I do not want to have regrets or wish I had done something differently so my new attitude is to live it up. Why not?

When I look at my life thus far honestly, it has not gone the way I thought it would. (Looking back, my vision in high school was so warped.) But slowly I am coming to terms with things and going with the flow. No, I am not married. No, I do not have children. No, I do not have a “career”. No, I do not plan on going to grad school. No, I do not know what I will be doing in a year. And while I struggle with some of those no’s I have to accept that my life is mine and no one else’s; I will do things in my own time on my own terms.

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