Thursday, March 24, 2016

Commander's Palace

A New Orleans institution for well over 100 years, Commander's Palace has been on my list of places to go before departing the city. Sara's mom made the bucket list item a treat of hers this past week with lunch reservations! 

I did not snap any photos of my lunch (this was a fancy place!) but I can assure you everything was delicious! 

I had been strongly advised to try the Turtle Soup so I gave it a go. It wasn't anything that I will be dreaming of in the future, but it was not bad at all either. My best description would be that it was more watery than chili but has a similar profile of tomatoes, onions, and herbs. The turtle meat was white and ground up like turkey or beef would be. I can't say that it had a distinct flavor that made it stand out from the other ingredients. The waiter tops the dish with a swirl of aged sherry at the table.

For my main course I had the red fish with "a warm salad of roasted cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, local tomatoes, baby roots, and grilled kale with herb vinaigrette and compound chili oil". Very good! Light yet filling. 

Dessert was Ponchatoula Strawberry Shortcake. OMG...I could have licked the plate if 1) I wasn't already super full and 2) I wasn't in a public place. "Local strawberries marinated in Louisiana sugarcane with a fluffy buttermilk biscuit, powdered sugar and Chantilly cream" Wow! Everyone raves about the Creole Bread Pudding Souffle, which I tried a bite of since Susan & Sara both got that, but I couldn't resist the sweet strawberries knowing that they are in season now in southern LA!

A picture of the ladies :)
 Sara & me | Sara & her mom

Another thing they are known for, besides the Turtle Soup and Creole Bread Pudding Souffle, is their 25 cent martinis! I had a Cosmopolitan and the Commander's which was a blue citrus concoction. Can't beat that price!!

I am so thankful that I was able to experience this famous restaurant, it was most certainly a lovely treat!

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