Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Rough Start

The Saints just aren't doing it this year. They lost all four of their pre-season games but I chocked that up to them letting newbies get some field time so the veterans could avoid injury. Now they are three games in to the regular season and there are no "wins" on the board yet. Drew was out last week with a bruised rotator cuff. First time in his NFL career that he missed a game. His back up, Luke McCown played a good game, but the Panthers put more points on the board and when it call boils down, the points are what matter. So it has been a lousy start to the football season here in New Orleans. No dreams of play offs this year. What do they say? You win some. You lose some. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Katie's Chocolate Club: September

September's Club is brought to you by Mr. Chocolate himself, Jacques Torres!  Based out of New York, the famous pastry chef has been selling his bon bons for over fifteen years. As I do with all of my clubs, I include a note to myself. This one: "Treat yo self" was inspired by my recent Parks & Rec viewing that you may remember :) It is always interesting to see how different companies include the notes. Some hand write them, some feature them typed up. 

ROW #1
Menage a Trois: Jacque's twist on three flavors. Always different, always delicious. (My pallet is not refined enough to know what the flavors were but there was definitely a savory spice in there!)
Heavenly Hazelnut: Fresh ground hazelnuts in milk chocolate
Golden Espresso: Rich espresso with a touch of gold
Cinnamon Praline: Cinnamon ganache and ground hazelnuts
Alize Hearts of Passion: Fresh passion fruit and Alize liquor
ROW #2
Pineapple Pastis: Pineapple pate de fruit and Pastis licorice liquor with milk chocolate ganache
Bin 27 Port: Fonseca Bin 27 Reserve Port infused in dark chocolate
Chocolate Mint Tea: Premium tea infused into a rich creamy center
Caramel Nut Noir: A chewy caramel with a crispy hazelnut crunch
Love Bug: Key lime ganache kissed with white chocolate
ROW #3
Fresh Squeezed Lemon: Fresh lemon juice infused in rich dark chocolate
Cappuccino: A rich coffee caramel
Almondine: Crushed candied almonds with out signature on top
European Peanut Butter: Homemade with fresh roasted peanuts and hazelnuts in milk chocolate.
Love Potion #9: Jacque's secret recipe for pure dark chocolate ganache
ROW #4
Chai Tea: Milk Chocolate ganache with Indian spiced tea.
Fresh Coconut: Fresh coconut suspended in white chocolate with dark chocolate
Creamy Raspberry: Tastes like a bowl of fresh raspberries
Wicked Fun: Chocolate ganache spiced up with ancho and chipotle chilies
Liquid Caramel: A unique caramel with a rum twist
ROW #5
Earl Grey: Premium Earl Grey tea infused in a dark creamy center
Alize Hearts of Passion: Fresh passion fruit and Alize liquor
Grand Cru: Fine red wine complemented by rich dark chocolate
Got Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate ganache with a kiss of cognac
80%: Intense dark chocolate ganache with a high cocoa content

I will be honest and say that when I opened the box I thought "hmmm...these aren't that pretty." However, as I quickly learned, what these bon bons lack in aesthetics they more than make up for in flavor! Thus far in my club experiment, this collection was, without a doubt, the most flavorful. Everything was so intense, but in a good way! 

The Almondine tasted like it had creamy almond butter inside...yum! Caramel Nut Noir had a lovely crunch; hazelnuts are my favorite! The European Peanut Butter included a layer of jam in there too: a pleasant surprise. I loved the Chai Tea, the Love Potion #9 and the Cinnamon Praline. There were quite a bit of alcohols featured and two coffee-esque flavors, but despite this, I would purchase these chocolates again. 

*all names/descriptions were copied directly from the guides provided with the collection.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Twilight: We Did It

Many moons ago, when I lived in Roanoke, Movie Sarah coerced me into watching Twilight with her one evening. Her DVD player stopped working, but I had seen enough that I wanted to finish the movie, so I took it back to my place. I admit, I watched the ending then re-watched the entire thing before returning the disc. Since then I have gone to see each film as it came out and have read the books twice. No, this is no stellar acting nor writing. No Oscars or Pulitzer Prices being handed out for this work. When you really think about it, the story is all kinds of messed up and sends young people a very warped message about love (you shouldn't be professing your "irrevocable" love at 17 to someone you literally just met). But I digress. Sara had never been exposed to the love triangle that is Bella, Edward and Jacob so I set out to remedy that.

On Saturday we plopped down on her couch and proceeded to marathon our way through all five movies. Twilight. New Moon. Eclipse. Breaking Dawn: Part 1. Breaking Dawn: Part 2. All 10 hours and 8 minutes. Between each film we would break for the bathroom and a refill of beverage and plate. To make the day more special, I brought some themed treats! Apples (from the first film and title book cover), mushroom ravioli (what Bella ordered at the restaurant in Port Angeles), berry cobbler (Charlie orders it every time he goes to the diner), deer meat (the Cullens are "vegetarians" and you see them hunting deer and other large game), and "puppy chow" (to represent the werewolves): a pumpkin pie version as well as the original chocolate/peanut butter option. Sara provided some additional Italiano grub in the form of pizza bites as well as blood red themed drink! 

Watching everything back-to-back like that really helped you see the progression in their filming budget as well as the vision different directors brought to the project. The production value of the first movie is so ridiculously low. The whole thing is so cheesy and very blue/gray tinted. I hated the way they tried to make the vampires look like they were fast. There were definitely improvements in the special effects department as the movies came out. The last two, Breaking Dawn 1 & 2, were so much prettier to view! 

It was fun to watch with someone who didn't know the ends and outs of the story. No, the vampires don't have fangs. Yes, they sparkle in the sunlight. No, the wolves don't just turn during a full moon. Yes, there can be girl wolves too. I'm glad we did it :) Go Team Edward!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Halloween Came Early

Brie & I went to see a screening of the original Halloween tonight at Second Line Stages. We have both seen the 1978 horror film, but it was great to see all the action on a large screen! 

It is so strange to me to see what was considered cutting edge and truly terrifying some 35+ years ago because in no way do I consider this that scary of a movie. True, my tolerance for gore may be higher than the average viewer; I have always been drawn to the more gruesome stories. To me this movie is comical in how the characters react to the situations Michael Myers puts them in. It could just be the actors campy portrayals that amuse me; thank goodness Jamie Lee Curtis did "fear" way better in Halloween: H20!!

Poor acting aside, watching a scary movie about Halloween, the holiday, has me jonesing for fall even more! It was such a bummer to come outside from the movie to mid-80's weather. Why can't it be crisp and cool outside yet?!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

It Rained

This short work week was filled with numerous rainy days. About once a year it pours hard enough and fast enough at work to cause flooding in the streets. Wednesday was the day.

  Larger vehicles chanced it and drove through, but smaller cars would have been flooded. It took about an hour for all the water to drain away and for things to return to normal. Every flood day causes a sense of excitement for everyone at work and jokes about having to swim home!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Parks & Rec

About three weeks back I started watching Parks & Recreation. The first season, though only six episodes, did not really pull me in. It was okay, but nothing spectacular. However, I was advised that the first season was rocky but that it vastly improved in the second and subsequent seasons. So I forged ahead in my watching and I am very thankful that I did. Of the seven seasons, two and three made me laugh the most. Truly funny stuff! I have now resorted to watching "best of" and blooper videos on YouTube to continue the joy Parks & Rec brought me! 

Here are some of the best moments:

It is so absurd and ridiculous but hilarious at the same time! A nice comical break from my usually more serious subject matter viewings (can we talk about Narcos for a second?! Loved it!)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Katie's Chocolate Club: August

Due to shipping delays beyond my control, my August chocolate club, courtesy of Zoe's Chocolates out of Pennsylvania, arrived at the beginning of September. None-the-less I was excited to see the package arrive. I'm getting good at writing myself positive notes to be delivered with my chocolates :)
I chose the Chef's Collection for the variety, though some were repeats. I love a good caramel, so I was fine with duplicates of those!

ROW #1
Chewy Sea Salt Caramels: Zoe's original. Chewy, slow-cooked caramel enrobed in milk chocolate and sprinkled with Fleur de Sel.
Chewy Sea Salt Caramels: Zoe's original. Chewy, slow-cooked caramel enrobed in dark chocolate and sprinkled with Fleur de Sel.
Apple Pie: Fresh, local apples cooked to perfection with apple pie spices and combined with caramel and roasted pecans.
Spiced Pear Walnut: Local pears, preserved with a hint of seasonal spices, combining with lightly sea-salted smooth caramel and roasted walnuts and encased in dark chocolate.
Fleur de Sel Liquid Caramel: Dark chocolate surrounds a perfectly cooked golden, liquid Fleur de Sel caramel.
Pinot Noir Infused Fleur de Sel Milk Chocolate Caramel: Creamy milk chocolate liquid caramel enrobed in smooth dark chocolate and sprinkled with a Pinot Noir infused Fleur de Sel.
ROW #2
Chocolate Mint: Dairy fresh cream infused with our own garden-grown chocolate mint leaves and blended into a dark chocolate ganache.
Black Raspberry: White chocolate ganache blended with locally grown preserved black raspberries and topped in a rich dark chocolate.
Sesame Tahini Crunch: Pure sesame puree, milk chocolate and bits of sesame brittle enrobed in dark chocolate.
Orange Flower: Exotic, rare Mediterranean orange blossom oil, candied orange peel and fresh orange zest in a dark chocolate ganache.
Black Raspberry: White chocolate ganache blended with locally grown preserved black raspberries and topped in a rich dark chocolate.
Caffe: Creamy milk chocolate ganache infused with freshly roasted Greek blend coffee beans, enrobed in rich dark chocolate.
ROW #3
Black Daphne: A soft, rich dark chocolate ganache flavored with the famous port-like Mavrodaphne wine of Greece, adding hints of dried fruit and cinnamon.
Hazelnut: A smooth, harmonious blend of creamy milk chocolate and very finely ground hazelnuts, enrobed with milk chocolate.
Dark Cacao Nib: Creamy, soft dark chocolate ganache accented with a touch of cognac, enrobed in dark chocolate, and sprinkled with roasted cacao nibs.
Marshmallow Crunch: marshmallow with a layer of hazelnut crunch.
Dionysus Baklava: Creamy Greek honey combined with roasted walnuts and baklava spice, dipped in chocolate, and rolled in a blend of nuts & spices.
Aegean Pistachio: Beautifully naturally vivid green Mediterranean pistachios ground to a fine paste and mixed into a white chocolate ganache, flavored with a hint of Tahitian vanilla & almond.
ROW #4
Pinot Noir Infused Fleur de Sel Milk Chocolate Caramel: Creamy milk chocolate liquid caramel enrobed in smooth dark chocolate and sprinkled with a Pinot Noir infused Fleur de Sel.
Fleur de Sel Liquid Caramel: Dark chocolate surrounds a perfectly cooked golden, liquid Fleur de Sel caramel.
Spiced Pear Walnut: Local pears, preserved with a hint of seasonal spices, combining with lightly sea-salted smooth caramel and roasted walnuts and encased in dark chocolate.
Apple Pie: Fresh, local apples cooked to perfection with apple pie spices and combined with caramel and roasted pecans.
Chewy Sea Salt Caramels: Zoe's original. Chewy, slow-cooked caramel enrobed in dark chocolate and sprinkled with Fleur de Sel.
Chewy Sea Salt Caramels: Zoe's original. Chewy, slow-cooked caramel enrobed in milk chocolate and sprinkled with Fleur de Sel.

I thought that the Baklava was unique and tasty, as was the Sesame Tahini-definitely had a savory feel to it. The Apple Pie was really good and I enjoyed all of the caramels. On the flavor guide provided there was a Chestnut chocolate listed that was not included in the box-I would have liked to try that one! Maybe next time.

Overall impression is not too shabby. Their website is nice and features an array of chocolate confections. Appears to be siblings running the family business.

*all names/descriptions were copied directly from the guides provided with the collection.