Monday, April 27, 2015

Dinner Lab: Randall Denny

This "Holy Smokes" themed dinner showcased a variety of carnivorous treats prepared with French influences. I was especially excited about this Dinner Lab because my guest was my mom. She is a notoriously picky eater but I thought this menu should prove tame enough for even her palate. 

Cedar Smoked Redfish Crudo: caramelized red onion | shaved mirliton | leche de tigre
I really loved this dish. A perfect appetizer: cool, refreshing, crisp and acidic

Watercress Vichyssoise: pecan smoked rabbit confit | watercress oil
LOVED! This was my favorite dish of the night. The potato and leek soup was served chilled with pieces of warm rabbit floating among the watercress oil. Two thumbs up!

Hickory Bread Pudding: smoked pork & champignon mushrooms | pork & mushroom jus | green onion vinaigrette
Paired with: Txomin Etxaniz Getariako Txakolina 2014
 My first experience with a savory bread pudding was not bad. My particular portion did not contain much meat, but other than that this reminded me of a fancy European comfort food. The wine pairing was rather sweet but nice since the temperature in the actual building was warm.

Mesquite Chicken Roulade: crawfish duxelle | white bean puree | braised collards | étouffée sauce
Chicken packed with a crawfish, mushroom, shallot stuffing = yummy! The white bean puree was nice as well. I did not care for the collards; they were too vinegary and too spicy for my tongue!

Sweet Potato Poundcake: apple wood smoked sweet potatoes | potato hay | bourbon gastrique
Paired with: Campfire Float: apple brandy | smoked porter | ginger | cinnamon | charred marshmallow | vanilla ice cream
Yes yes yes! I was blown away by how much I enjoyed the Campfire Float! I am not much for dark beer, but with all of the added spices and the sweetness of the melted ice cream and marshmallow garnish, I could not put this down. The sweet potato poundcake was also a real winner. Thick and sweet with a great bourbon syrup on top. I could have done without the "hay" aspect.

Our dinner was presented at the eclectic Red Haus on the eastern cusp of the Marigny neighborhood. Overall I think that mom and I had a good time trying new things and mingling with our table mates. 

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