Sunday, March 15, 2015


I believe that I get my adventurous food-buying tastes from my Paw-paw who has always been a sucker for a strategically placed store display or the latest flavor release of snack foods. In his younger years he was always bringing home some new cookie or chip, and once even mistook dog treats for pop-able human food. Oops! 
While at Whole Foods a few months back I saw these "Epic" bars down the protein/power bar isle and thought they sounded interesting. The packaging was nice and modern, that the Austin based company got right. In a sea of peanut butter and soy based products, this carnivorous option stood out as unique. I snatched up a Turkey with Almond and Cranberries, Bison with Bacon and Cranberries, and Lamb with Mint and Currants. They have been lingering around in the pantry for some time, so I figured I would take them in to work with me and share my new found health snack. 
I sliced the bars up into sample size slivers to pass around. I'm pretty sure that with each bite everyone thought I was trying to poison and/or kill them with these cruel concoctions of nastiness. They were not tough like a jerky but had more of a meatloaf consistency. The lamb received the worst feedback with many people opting to spit it out lest their tongue being subjected to the flavor a second longer. Perhaps this is something that one needs to acquire a taste for, but as for me, I am not willing to try again!

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