Thursday, February 5, 2015


While I have not become an outright anglophile, I have gained a fondness for British television shows as of late. I featured Orphan Black a few weeks back and since then have flown through the entire Luther series and am full steam ahead in Sherlock

Luther = Idris Elba plays a "copper" (a British slang term for "police" that I picked up while watching) who becomes fully engrossed in the cases that he works. His dedication to his job often leads him into morally compromising positions. Though the show has officially ended, rumor has it that a mini-series may be produced later this year!

Sherlock: This has been my first taste of Benedict Cumberbatch and I believe he was born to play Mr. Holmes! I watched the Fargo mini series a few months back and thought Martin Freeman was great--he makes an excellent Dr. Watson as well! This show is fast paced and intense! I struggled through the first season, really enjoyed the second, and have just started the third which thus far has been gripping. The length of each episode makes them feel more like movies, so I can usually only squeeze one in a night.

I have had to watch both series with subtitles on as the thicker the English accent the less I can comprehend!!

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