Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Way back on the 1st of December I was full of excitement and holiday cheer! This was before work handed me its usual amount of headaches and prior to my always eventful aerial adventures. 

After Thanksgiving I was ready for Christmas. Ready for the festive lights, the movie marathons, the jingly songs, the wrapping and trimmings, the gift giving, the FUN! So I thought up a snazzy little hashtag to use (#25daysofholidayspirit) and began my quest to post a holiday related Instagram every day leading up to Christmas. Some days I had trouble coming up with an intriguing subject to feature, other days I felt like the only spirit I had was one belonging to Ebenezer Scrooge! But I kept on, always finding something to highlight. 

So without further ado, for those who may not follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I give you my 25 Days of Holiday Spirit (2014 edition):

"Despite it being 75 degrees outside today I'm kicking off my #25daysofholidayspirit hashtag for the month of #December! So look forward to more #holidaycheer comin' atcha!"


"Day 2 of my #25daysofholidayspirit fun! #Netflix has helped supplement my #Christmasmovie options greatly this year! From #cheesy to #classic, #sappy to #sad I've been on a cinematic viewing spree!"

"Day 3 of #25daysofholidayspirit finds me writing #Christmascards by the closest thing I have to a #fireplace!"

Day 4 = video from Luna Fete
"It's too stinkin' warm outside to be in the #25daysofholidayspirit mood tonight so I shall feature a non #Yuletide themed post of this cool #lightshow called #LunaFete that [Sara] and I went to this evening!"

"I ordered #retro/#vintage #holiday #postagestamps off of #etsy to #dressup my #Christmascards! I #adore all things #antique and am so #happy to be sending these out this year :)"

"I'm #pretending it isn't 80 degrees outside right now by listening to my favorite #Hanson #Christmasalbum!"

"Finally! It is starting to (sorta) feel like #winter! May even turn the #heat on tonight!"

 "This may be the only #snowflake I see in #NewOrleans and I am 100% okay with that!"

"#Pitiful little #poinsettia has about as much #holidaycheer as I do today. Alas, the #25daysofholidayspirit must go on."

"Did a little #baking last night for the #workfolks! Three different types of #monkeybread. Really I just wanted to use my #Christmastree plates ;)"

"On this 11th day of my #25daysofholidayspirit I bring you a #tbt of [Bryan] and me sitting on the lap of ol' #SantaClaus!"

"A #festive #spirit for my #fridaynight! Great way to kick off the #weekend :)"

"#Lightlooking at the #RooseveltHotel #downtown with [Sara] and [Zack] :)" 

"Tied up in #bows today: getting that #wrapping done! I love #giving #presents!" 

"#NewOrleans peeps should definitely cruise by this house on #StCharlesAve! So pretty!"

"A touch of #blood with my #peppermint #ring seems fitting on this crazy #Tuesday. Feeling a little like #Scrooge today." 

"Feeling #nostalgic tonight as I nibble on my favorite #Christmascandy! My #pawpaw always gave us these #peppermint #candies around the holidays when we were kids :)" 

"#Sittingbythetree on this #dreary evening, #reflecting on the #holidayseason and what it really means."

"Early #Christmaspresent to myself! A [Zack] original :) I've been pining over this piece for months and now it's all mine!!!"

"'I'll just run in and run out' I said, 'it won't be so bad.' HA! The #mall on the #Saturday before #Christmas is a #madhouse?! Despite the #hustleandbustle I was able to check a few things off of my #list!"

"I have enjoyed my #Christmastree so much this year! Each evening coming home from the #chaos of work/life and turning the #lights on has brought me such #joy :)"

"It may be a #rainy day in #NewOrleans but #Sucre is cranking out the orders for #Christmas! Poor #UPS can barely keep up!"

"Watching a #cheesy #ABCFamily #Christmasmovie under my new #cozy #plaid #blanket!" 

"Mom made #rumcake!"

"#Andtoallagoodnight! I had fun counting down to #Christmas via #instagram :) Hope you enjoyed!"

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