Thursday, July 31, 2014


Yesterday morning when I stepped outside our front door I was greeted by cool, non-humid, sunny weather! It was merely a tease of the wonderfulness yet to come this fall, but it sparked a giddiness inside. I love fall; it is by far my favorite time of year. As I struggle through the bitter cold of winter (though New Orleans is notably less chilly than Virginia), I pine for warmer spring days, but all too soon they burst into the flames of the summer sun and I find myself back in the same spot: longing for autumn. Longing for scarves and football. Longing for the crisp mornings and changing leaves. Longing for pumpkin flavored everything and watching scary movies. I love the colors, the smells, the flavors, the temperature, I love it all! So as July winds down and I mentally prepare for the heat August is sure to bring, I am left longing for the next season...

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