Monday, April 28, 2014

Cheesesteaks & Cocktails

A few weeks back Sara, Zack, and I dined at Liberty Cheesesteaks on Freret Street. The super tiny shop does not have much seating available, but lucky for us it was a nice evening and we were able to dine outside. This was my first time having a "true" cheesesteak... no slight to Liberty, but maybe they're just not my thing. It was fine; nothing I need to eat again in my life. If I were to go back I would probably try their "Chick Steak" (chicken instead of beef). 

After stuffing ourselves with Philadelphia's most famous sandwich we strolled down Freret to Cure for some fancy cocktails. We continued to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and sat on their back patio. There is only a small window of time in the Big Easy where the weather is perfect for outdoor living before the humidity and heat become unbearable and conditioned air is the only way to go! No amount of whiskey on the rocks can stifle the heat come May - October!

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