Friday, January 31, 2014


I survived the horrid sneauxmageddon of 2014!!

Icy mirror and "snow/ice" on my car

The South has been experiencing some peculiar winter weather this season. I thought we were clear of this non-sense, however, this past Tuesday Mother Nature proved me wrong with a swift backhand of her frigid cold hand. 

As the temperatures dropped and precipitation started to fall the panic level throughout the city, and beyond, skyrocketed. As if like dominoes, schools, government buildings, businesses, bridges, roads, public transportation, the airport and entire highways all started closing. While the Virginian in me, who grew up where snow was common and manageable, scoffed at the seeming overreaction of these hilariously spooked New Orleanians, I realized that they were freaking out because this part of the country simply is not equipped to handle these conditions. Just as people in Virginia do not build tornado bunkers and thus would not know what to do should a twister pop up, the people in Louisiana are not prepared for ice as it rarely threatens them. When I mentioned a salt truck I was met with tilted heads and questions of "huh?" because they have never heard of such a machine. My dear elderly landlord has badgered us relentlessly over the past few weeks about freeze warnings and the importance of preventing our pipes from freezing. The pipes and bridges in these parts just are not insulated. 

So, while the "storm" we experienced here may seem petty by Northern standards, it was enough to get every one's attention and prompt the creation of "sneauxmageddon" since NOLA has to make every "o" into an "eaux"!

It is supposed to be 70 degrees this weekend :)

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