Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hodge Podge Post

Here is a nice hodge podge post of some things on my mind...
The Saints are 3-0! Fingers crossed this will continue as the season they won the Super Bowl they started with the same 3-0 standing. Looking ahead, the Super Bowl in 2014 will be on my birthday :)
The McMain banner for game #3
I am loving this song right now....
Yesterday I updated my phone to the iOS7 and things look weird. I am trying to adjust to the new (very bright) look, but so far the upgraded features I have figured out are cool and helpful!
Notice the ombre effect with text messages
Tonight is the series finale of Dexter and I must admit: I have very torn feelings about this. Most folks who know me know that I am quite the Dexter follower as well as a creature of habit so the conclusion of his story seems odd and uncomfortable for me. Having known for some time now that season 8 would be the last has not helped me cope with the inevitable that will be upon me in a little over an hour. I have ideas of where the writers may go with things, but regardless, this exact moment in time is the last that I will not already know what will happen and I am feeling rather sad about that. But such is life; it is only a television show, Dexter Morgan is not a real person nor are any of the other characters I have watched evolve and grow over the past few years. Even so, it should stand as a testament to the creators, writers, directors, and cast that I, and I am sure many others, hold the show on such a high pedestal and will feel a tad lost tomorrow morning.
Brie has me reading Outlander now. She has raved about it, as well as other books by this author. I started it this afternoon while I enjoyed a Cadbury Screme Egg...hahaha! This is the second year I have seen these out. While I no doubt scarfed it down, I kind of liked that I could only get them around Easter every year. Their limited access is part of the appeal.
 Today is the first official day of fall, and while it has barely reached into the 80's in the Big Easy, it is still waaaayyyy too hot to be considered autumn in my book. I am craving crisp 60 degree days! Soon enough I suppose... 

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