Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Bird Returns

Unexpectedly an old buddy who moved away a few years ago came to town last weekend for a little shenanigans but more importantly a job interview. Andrew is a Joseph Street House alum from many moons ago. My first year living in NOLA was definitely enhanced by Big Bird's fun-loving presence!
Any way...during his quick trip through town we did a lot of socializing and dining. Delachaise (duck fat fries... holy moly they should be illegal!), Parasol's (my first time going-- the shrimp po'boy is where it's at), La Crepe Nanou (another first for me: crab and creamed spinach crepe = wow!), The Columns, and good ol' tried-and-true St. Joe's. It's always a fun time hanging out with this fella.
It was so great to catch up on life....and luckily he just found out today that he got the job he interviewed for!! So Mr. Roberts will be returning to The Big Easy very shortly!! YAY!

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