Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We're The Three Best Friends That Anybody Could Have

On Friday Zack and I stayed late at work to help Sara finish a cake she was creating for a friend of hers. We worked on some fondant details but I think I was in the way more than helpful! We all laughed and had a good time though. Once we were at an acceptable stopping point we parted ways to get cleaned up then reconvened at Bouligny Tavern for dinner and drinks. Evan was working so he concocted me a fancy whiskey ginger drink that was mighty tasty. I had never eaten there before so we all split a few dishes: burger, duck confit with brussel sprouts, fried gnocchi, gouda beignets, and duck liver pate with hush puppies and tomato jam. Everything was really good!

The following day I ran some errands and went into work for a bit to tackle a project that requires a fair amount of concentration--something I don't often get to do when people are constantly talking to me, asking questions, emailing me, calling, etc. I didn't really get very far into the task though because once again, the three musketeers (Zack, Sara and myself if you haven't gathered that at this point) decided to hang out. We went to see The To Do List. Very funny but definitely not for any conservative or easily offended viewers. After laughing out butts off we dined at Five Guys (I haven't eaten at one of those in years!) while swapping horror stories from our youth regarding food challenges and bad cuisine experiences. Good times really.

The night was still young so we headed back Uptown, met up with Andy, and went to Le Bon Tomps Roule to listen to a brass band. I like that bar, but I hate that it still allows people to smoke inside. Going home reeking of cigarettes is so gross. Brie, Miccah, and a few others came to meet up after a while then we headed to The Saint...oh The Saint. It is a "last stop of the night" kind of bar. Packed, dark, kind of gross, typically filled with hipsters. Not really my scene, but I don't hate it. We wanted to take pictures in the photo booth but upon finding out they cost $6 we opted to take our own via iPhones.
We are clockwise from the top left picture: me, Sara, Zack, Andy
Sunday was a day of relaxing, until I had to make a cake delivery for work that turned into a slight debacle. Long story short, the paperwork I had was not the most up-to-date and did not have everything listed that I needed to deliver so I ended up making two trips from the kitchen to the reception sight, but everything turned out fine--just wasted my time. Since I was already at the kitchen I tried once again to focus on my detailed project and managed to make a little head way before calling it a day. Another episode of Dexter rounded out my weekend and now it is back to the grind...

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