Monday, January 21, 2013

My Movie Reviews

I have been frequenting the theater recently and figured I'd share my thoughts on what I have seen.
Gangster Squad: C
Hmmm...not as good as I wanted it to be. Ryan Gosling = gorgeous eye candy. Emma Stone = lovable fun actress. Josh Brolin = notorious bad boy. Sean Penn = legend. Unfortunately none of those factors were enough to pull this together for me. I never felt like Emma and Ryan's relationship was convincing, Josh and Ryan didn't seem to click, and Sean seemed to be so much further into his character than anyone else. Bummer.
Mama: B-
I love a good horror/thriller and am not easily scared by what I see on the big screen. While there were lots of moments intended to make you jump, I always sensed they were coming, and therefore did not jump. Nice try though. Putting children in scary movies is a clever tactic because kids are terrifying enough as it is without creepy ghost-seeing abilities. Things were going well until about the last 20 minute then the cheesy factor increased tremendously and they lost me.
Silver Linings Playbook: B+
I think Bradley Cooper did a marvelous job of playing a mentally unbalanced guy trying to pick up the pieces of his life. I loved seeing Chris Tucker in something other than a Rush Hour flick. Jennifer Lawrence appeared to be as uninterested in conforming and pleasing people on screen as she seems to be in real life. Overall I think that this movie was charming and while the themes were kind of depressing I left the theater feeling content .
There ya have it, my personal opinions about my latest cinematic adventures. Has anybody seen any good movies recently?

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