Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Summer Vegetable Tian

Summer Vegetable Tian: A Recipe Recommendation

I saw this recipe on Pinterest and thought I would give it a whirl. It was pretty simple and quite tasty. Here is what you need to try it out yourself:

1 Zucchini
1 Yellow Squash
1 Potato
1 Tomato
1 Yellow Onion
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1 tsp Thyme
1 cup Mozzarella Cheese
Salt & Pepper to taste

I diced the onion and garlic and sauteed them in the olive oil. After about 5 minutes I spread them out on the bottom of the sprayed casserole dish I was using. 

While the saute action was happening I sliced up the rest of the veggies and sprinkled them with salt, pepper and thyme

Then I layered the colorful slices into a pretty pattern on top of my onion/garlic mixture (if you like cooked tomatoes you may want to use 2 since those seemed less proportionate to the other vegetables).
This went into a 400 degree oven, covered. After 30 minutes I removed the aluminum foil, sprinkled on the cheese and popped it back into the oven for another 20 minutes to let everything melt together.

Voila! Summer Vegetable Tian--great by itself or as a side. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Stealing!! Looks super yummy. I looooove thyme!

