Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Because my dad is a good man, he let me snag two bags of deer tenderloin from his freezer before heading back to Louisiana. And because my mom is a good woman, she let me snag a baggy of seasoned flour too! I put these delicacies to the test this evening. Does Virginia born and killed deer taste as good as it does at home when cooked in a Louisiana kitchen? Well folks, I think it just might!

To round out my meal I prepared some instant mashed potatoes; I never seem to have very good luck making the real deal...perhaps I get that from my mom (sorry) and a container of frozen broccoli and corn.
Mmm...can you smell the onions cooking? And yes, I even whipped out my Granny fork for the occasion. Normally I do not have it out because I don't want one of my roomies to use it and put it in the dish washer!
Voila! The final meal. It was oh so yummy!

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