Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fresh Produce

I enjoyed my Hollygrove loot so much last week that I stopped by again today to see what was in the box this time. I am thinking that this is going to become a Tuesday tradition!

Outside of the building that I buy my produce from there are different gardening beds with various plants being tended to. I am not positive if they belong to random people who can come work the food when they have time or how it works exactly. None-the-less I know that the items I purchase come from all over Louisiana and Mississippi.

This week's box included:

1 bag of Arugula
1 brown bag of Okra
1 sandwich bag of "Cajun Rice"
1 pint of Blueberries
3 Peaches
5 Plums
2 Tomatoes
1 Heirloom Tomato
1 snack bag of Basil
2 Cucumbers
1 Eggplant
2 Zucchini
3 "Various Squash" (I picked 2 Pattypan and 1 that looks like a small green pumpkin)

And because I enjoyed them so much last week in my salads and sauteed with other vegetables, I bought a small bag of Shitake Mushrooms on the side.

So while there are some repeats of last week, I can't say that I have ever cooked eggplant before. I had also never had a plum until this evening!

Monday, May 30, 2011

3 Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day to everyone! Unfortunately I have not participated in any cookouts or boils during my three day weekend, though I did have fun yesterday. I went to a late lunch with AV and Andrew at Lebanon's as I cannot turn down a chance to get their delicious lentil soup. After our Mediterranean Feast as AV called it we came back to Joseph Street to lounge off our food coma. We all watched/slept through The Ladykillers until the hankering for Creole Creamery could not be contained any longer! Post ice cream extravaganza we dispersed temporarily until meeting back up to see The Hangover Part II at the Prytania. It was very similar to the first one except for a scenery change from Vegas to Thailand. Funny, risque, predictable, raunchy and entertaining. So that was my Sunday. Now my Monday is looking like it is going to be consumed by instant Netflix, laundry and hanging out.

Random AV quote: "If your hair was pasta it would be Angel Hair Pasta." (He thinks my hair is the softest he has ever felt?!)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dat Dog

Dat Dog is a new hot dog joint a few blocks from my house. I had wanted to take mom and dad there when they were in town but the timing never worked out. So when a few gals from work asked if I wanted to join them this evening I jumped at the chance to check it out. We all acquired our dogs of choice and sat outside to enjoy our dinner! I chose the alligator sausage dog and topped it with shredded cheddar cheese, onions, and tomatoe. It was delicious! I will definitely be returning to check out their other dogs :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hollygrove Market

Recently I heard about the Hollygrove Market that operates a store on Saturdays and Tuesdays. It is located in the neighborhood of the same name, which is known to be kind of on the sketchy side. I suppose they are trying to improve the area with projects like this market. I went in not really knowing how it works, but a young guy showed me the ropes. Basically you can buy produce, milk, eggs, cheese, beef, and chicken that all comes from local farmers and suppliers. They also have a $25 box deal. I opted for this plan so that I could get a good variety of items. To fill my box I followed a row of bins and crates and selected the number of each item indicated on a sign. It was super easy and I feel good about buying from and supporting the local economy. Here is my loot for the week:

3 Peaches
4 Red Potatoes
2 Patty Pan Squash
4 Jalapenos
2 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
3 Yellow Squash
1 sandwich bag of "Cajun" Rice
1 bag of Arugula
1 snack bag of Red Chili Peppers
1 brown bag of Green Beans
1 brown bag of Okra
1/2 brown bag of Shitake Mushrooms
1 pint of Blueberries

I also bought 3 little tomatoes as well. I have never had Patty Pan Squash and I am not sure what I am going to do with all of that Okra, but I plan on looking up some recipes to see what I can do. Thus far I have made a salad to take to work tomorrow that I used the Arugula, a few mushrooms, a jalapeno, some cucumber and tomato in (I had other things already that I tossed in too). And for dinner I had Special K with a peach cut up on top!

Up & Down

The waters are up but gas prices are down. It seems like talk about the Mississippi flooding has lessened some, but the water is still barreling south. This is a clip from the local paper, The Times Picayune, and if you can get beyond how dopey the reporter is, it is rather interesting information. On a happier note, I went to get gas yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that prices appear to be dropping. I drove slightly out of my way to go to a Shell station that had regular for $3.49. With my Winn Dixie card I saved 15 cents (it works the same as the Kroger deal for yall Virginia folks) making my price $3.34!! While that is still painful for a 16 gallon+ tank, it certainly is better than $3.79 and above!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Honey, I'm in Houma

On Saturday I volunteered to deliver a cake to Houma, Louisiana in an effort to gain a few more hours since I did not work on Monday. The cake was a huge replica of a molar tooth with a lady's face on the front and graduation symbols. It was for a young lady who had just finished the dental program at LSU.

I knew that Houma was south west of New Orleans, but I did not realize just how far out there it was. Not that it was a problem, I was in the work van and on the clock, but it is easily an hour and fifteen minute drive. When I crossed a huge bridge over the Mississippi River I could tell that the water was definitely up but I did not see any road closures or true damage.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

On Stranger Tides

Last night Brie and I went to see the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean installment. We went all out and saw Captain Jack on the IMAX screen in 3D! Normally if I am going to see a sequel I will watch the previously released films first to refresh my memory on the storyline, but this was a last minute decision to go to the theater so there was no time. Really though the plot of this film could almost stand alone from the other three movies. There was no Will or Elizabeth but a few familiar characters were still present including a scene with Keith Richards reprieving his role as Jack's father. I remember the first film coming out when I was in high school and everyone being obsessed with it! The second film was released while I was in college, and I saw the third while I was in Poland on a school trip. Eight years since the first film, it is obvious that the budget has increased significantly for production and special effects! I don't want to give away any of the adventure, but I will say that if you go see the movie, make sure you stay through all of the credits!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bye Bye Roomie

Last Tuesday Nick packed up his things and flew back to New York. He will be starting Law School in the fall and thus his time in NOLA was through. Nick certainly was not known for being a tidy roommate, so Evan and I did a large purging of the house after he left. We tossed dozens of issues of The Economist, fortunes from numerous Chinese take out dinners, half empty water bottles, and other random useless items. I took my mini vacuum cleaner to his room and sucked up 18 months worth of dirt then did a deep cleaning of the bathroom we have shared. While we are all going to miss having Nick around, the new found cleanliness of our house is really nice! Now we just need to find someone to rent his room, hopefully someone with slightly higher standards for neatness!

Friday, May 20, 2011

OMG Friday!

This has been the longest short week at work EVER!! I was sooooo antsy today, I didn't feel like doing anything and could NOT wait to leave. Once I finally escaped I came home and fixed myself a little summer style dinner. Tomato, mozzarella, basil, a mini French bread loaf and some extra virgin olive oil. If I drank wine I would have had a glass of that too, but I stuck with my normal water. Now I have been chilling on the couch watching TV enjoying the peace and quiet.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tour Guide Katie

*Warning, lengthy post!

After living in The Big Easy for 10 months my parents finally made the trek south to see where I spend my days! They got in late Thursday and after an adventurous ride to the hotel we chatted about the itinerary I had planned.

Friday we met up for breakfast at the Lakeside Sucre. After some yummy pastries and coffee I took them on an impromptu tour of Whole Foods. Mom's reaction when walking in the door: "It stinks in here. Smells like bologna." That's my mom! Next we actually entered Orleans Parish and did a little driving around. The weather was hit and miss with rain, so we headed to lunch at Tracey's where we each had a po'boy. I had heard the roast beef was to die for, and while I don't think I am willing to offer my life for a sandwich, it was pretty darn good!

Originally the itinerary called for a steamboat ride, but with the weather looking kinda yucky we rescheduled that for Saturday and drove to the Riverwalk instead. We wandered around through the shops and made our way to the Southern Food & Beverage Museum. There we read about and saw exhibits on sugar cane, chicory, shrimp, and other local dishes. Dinner that night was at my go-to spot, Rum House followed by dessert at the Magazine Street Sucre!

Saturday we started our day with a trip to Blue Dot Donut. This is a new spot run by retired cops that offers donuts such as Maple Bacon, Peanut Butter & Jelly and Banana Nut. Once all three of us were on a sugar high we headed to the French Quarter for the day. There we meandered through the streets checking out the random street bands and taking in the scenery. I introduced them to a Pimm's Cup drink, which, to me is a refreshing light drink, but they didn't seem too impressed. Any way, the weather was gorgeous and just right for our Steamboat Natchez ride. The Mississippi River is definitely higher than normal, but luckily they were still letting vessels travel the waters. We rode down river into St. Bernard Parish, then back up to the Crescent City Connection bridge. It was a very relaxing boat ride.

Once stepping back on to dry land we went to dinner at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville then killed some more time in the Quarter before our Ghost & Vampire Tour. Our guide for that adventure was a little long winded, but he knew a lot about the stories he told. He did offend me slightly when he said that vampires don't sparkle...umm...tell that to the Cullens!

Sunday was yet another beautiful day weather wise so we hopped on the streetcar and rode down to the Quarter. It is nice to see St. Charles Avenue from the streetcar, I think you notice more that way than when you're cruising in a car. Once we reached the last stop we got off and went to Cafe du Monde for beignets. We scoped out St. Louis Cathedral and checked on the river again to make sure it was still there. After riding the street car back to Joseph Street we got back in the rental car (might as well put miles on that instead of my car, right?) and went to the Sucre Kitchen so they could see where I spend forty hours a week.

When we got back to my house the crawfish boil that was going on for Nick's departure (that will be a different post) was in full swing. Mom and dad got to chat with Evan about how the boil works and see most of the process. Then it was time to dig into the mud bugs! Mom had some difficulty keeping her food off the floor and the first batch we had was a bit spicy, but I think they liked them. Post boil everyone headed to Creole Creamery for an ice cream dessert. Yum! I took them on a little drive up to The Fly afterwards where we caught a beautiful sunset and got to see the level of the Mississippi River yet again!

We were on the road early Monday morning making our way to the West Bank (that looks like it is South of New Orleans if you look on a map) to Marrero for our Swamp Adventure! Thankfully the weather was again great as we headed into the marsh areas on an airboat. Besides alligators we also saw a turtle, some long legged water birds, a snake, and a raccoon.

This was the biggest gator we saw. The guide, Steve, said you can tell an alligator's age by measuring the distance from their eyes to their snout. For every inch you assume a year. Also, this guy had rounded teeth so we guesstimated he was about forty years old!! Apparently gators love marshmallows because the Steve baited him closer to our boat with them! During the tour everyone on the boat got to hold a baby alligator! Steve was definitely a native of south Louisiana because he had quite the accent. He was a really nice fella and knew a lot about the area.

That afternoon we went to the Old New Orleans Rum distillery for a tour of the facility. It is a rather small operation, but it was cool to see and hear how the rum is aged. At the end we got to sample four different kinds: Crystal, Amber, Cajun Spice, and their 10 Year Special Addition.

We ended up back in the Quarter once again, this time we stopped in at Meltdown Popsicles for some unique flavored treats. I got a Strawberry Basil pop, mom got Sweet Lime Basil, and dad tried the Watermelon Ginger. All of the cold concoctions are made in shop in small batches. We took our popsicles to the French Market where we checked out all of the vendor's booths and split a mini crawfish pie.

Dinner that evening was at Fresco Cafe, a little pasta, pizza, sandwich place. Once we finished up we drove out to the movies and watched Bridesmaids. Dad commented that the theater was bigger than a city block in Lexington!

After the movie it was late and time for everyone to turn in for the night. In the four days they were in town we put over 225 miles on the rental car and used five different Groupon/Living Social deals! With nearly everything on our itinerary checked off I would say that though it was a fast paced visit, it was a lot of fun! I am glad that we got to take in so much and see tons of things I had not even seen since living here! Besides Friday's showers, we could not have asked for better weather. Overall a great success in my book!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It Happened Again

About a year and a half ago I was a happy-go-lucky Twilight resister. I was content with my decision not to partake in the madness that is a world filled with sparkly vampires and uber-buff werewolves. That stuff is ridiculous, right? Well, somehow I got sucked in to watching the first movie of the series. The acting was less than stellar and the visual effects left something to be desired; but the worst part was that I was hooked.

Fast forward to this past Monday. I am at work doing my work thing when I get a text.

Brie: You'll never guess what's on tv and I decided to watch...
Me: I have no clue
Brie: Twilight!!! Aaaa!!! Can't believe I'm still watching
Me: Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth!
Brie: Don't laugh, but I kinda wanna watch the next one...

So when I got home from work Brie, the girl who HATES Twilight and thinks it is all a bunch of rubbish, had finished watching the first movie and was waiting for me to pop New Moon into the DVD player! And, to continue with this day of disbelief, we stayed up and watched Eclipse too!

I have offered the books to her but for the time being she has declined. She did however show interest in seeing the first part of Breaking Dawn with me in November when it hits theaters! I will probably re-read the books prior to the next film's release, just to brush up on the details.

While the Twilight Saga is no piece of scholarly work by any means and it is relatively cheesy, there is something about it that has drawn me, and now Brie, in.

Oh, and in case any one was wondering, we are both Team Edward :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jazz Fest

Today was the last day of Jazz Fest but I was resisting going because I didn't want to spend the $60 for a ticket. So instead I went to work to get a head start on Monday's pile of orders. However, my plans for the day changed when I was offered free tickets to Jazz Fest! So I quickly left work, went home, changed clothes, then headed to Mid-City to the Fairgrounds.

After meeting up with Brie, Andrew and AV we decided it was "treats time". At Andrew's recommendation I tried the crawfish bread which was possibly the best thing I have ever eaten! It was a concoction of bread, crawfish and gooey cheese!!! YUM!
The big name of the day that I was interested in seeing was Kid Rock. He is the one in the middle wearing white. We stayed and watched a few songs of his before wandering on to another stage.
Brie and I were working on our tans.
A bluegrass band.
Alligator pie that toppled to the ground approximately two seconds after this photo was taken. From the few bites I was able to enjoy it was really good. Major fail on my part.
By the end of the day I was pretty sweaty and my feet were filthy, but I had a good time jamming out!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Because my dad is a good man, he let me snag two bags of deer tenderloin from his freezer before heading back to Louisiana. And because my mom is a good woman, she let me snag a baggy of seasoned flour too! I put these delicacies to the test this evening. Does Virginia born and killed deer taste as good as it does at home when cooked in a Louisiana kitchen? Well folks, I think it just might!

To round out my meal I prepared some instant mashed potatoes; I never seem to have very good luck making the real deal...perhaps I get that from my mom (sorry) and a container of frozen broccoli and corn.
Mmm...can you smell the onions cooking? And yes, I even whipped out my Granny fork for the occasion. Normally I do not have it out because I don't want one of my roomies to use it and put it in the dish washer!
Voila! The final meal. It was oh so yummy!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Water for Elephants

Sunday Brie and I walked down to the Prytania to watch Robert Pattinson's latest flick. Well, I went to see Robert Pattinson, I think Brie went to see Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz. It was a good movie. A nice little love story. I had a hard time not picturing Christoph Waltz as his character from Inglorious Basterds (my all time favorite movie!). So that kind of got in the way for me. But I enjoyed Robert's shorter, less-Twilightish hair style. I don't think there will be any Oscars in this film's future, but it was worth seeing none-the-less.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Things I did while in Virginia:

>>Grandmaw and I drove over to the cabin to check on things, then meandered down Goshen Pass. It was a very nice day out and I stopped to take lots of pictures along the way.

>>I ate at Kenny's. Twice actually, but the first time was a little disappointing because they only had white meat chicken. The dark meat is where it is at. I have not eaten fried chicken in New Orleans, but I am pretty sure nothing could compare to Kenny's yard bird. Delicious.

>>Judy, mom and I went to Roanoke and got pedicures. It was much needed in my case and now they look presentable. My first night back in NOLA, Guy complimented me on them, so they must like nice!

>>I visited with Maw-maw and Paw-paw at their house. We sat around and caught up on things. I showed Paw-paw the route I drove on a map on my phone. I think technology baffles him some.

>>Mom, dad and I rode 4-wheelers up on the hill behind our house. It was getting dark so we didn't stay too long, but the view of the mountains was gorgeous. I had to soak in as much mountain scenery as possible since I live below sea level these days.

>>Cori and I met up at The Palms one evening for drinks and a mini-high school reunion. It was a lot of "I recognize him, but I don't remember his name" and "was she in your class?". Certainly was entertaining to see how people had changed!

>>I stopped by the house on Houston Street that my mom's side of the family rents out to see the progress they have made on renovating it. The house is nearly ninety years old, but I love the lay out. It reminds me of my place in Roanoke. I could tell they have done a lot already and it is looking very nice for any future renter!

>>I loved on Lucky and Little Kitty every chance I got. Despite being allergic to them, I suffered through the runny nose and itchy eyes because they are my pets and I love them. Lucky ignored me Saturday morning when I was packing up my car to leave. He could sense something was up and I guess he was not happy about it. He is still my "poops" though!

>>Mom, Dad, Bryan and I had our picture taken for the church directory. The man who was posing us kept calling Bryan "Hardrock" and he posed us in the most unnatural positions. We laughed a lot and the pictures were definitely worth more than a 1,000 words!

So those were some of the main highlights from my vacation home. I am glad I was able to visit with lots of friends and family, though I did not see everyone I would have liked to. Now it is back to the hustle and bustle of life in the Big Easy. In less than two weeks mom and dad will be in town so I better finish polishing up their itinerary!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lessons I Forgot I Learned

While making the pilgrimage back to New Orleans I recollected other lessons from the road that I forgot to mention in my previous post. So here is a continuation of my knowledge gained:

Playing Opossum
I drove through Alabama at night on my way up and I swear I have never seen more dead opossums in the roads before in my life. They were everywhere. I managed to swerve out of the way a few times, but one poor opossum got an unwelcome greeting from my front tire. Oops. Obviously they venture out at night because I did not see any on my route back south during the day.

Mississippi is not a happening state. At least not from Meridian to Hattiesburg and on through to Louisiana. I found that food, fuel, and facilities were few and far between! So if an urge hits or the gas tank is creeping low you better stop at the first exit that advertises your needs because goodness knows when you will pass another.

People Cannot Drive
I have not been officially diagnosed, but I strongly believe that I have a touch of road rage that flares up regularly. Throughout my adventure you could hear me say "helllooo?!?!" and "what the hell are you doing?!?!" to numerous fellow drivers. For the record it is not okay to putt along at 55MPH in a 70 zone. I don't care how old you are, if you have a handicap tag, or if a baby is on board. Tough. Either speed up or get out of my way!

Comfort Is Key
Whenever I fly I try to wear comfortable clothes because I know that I am going to be stuck in a tiny seat next to a stranger for hours. There is no time to be adjusting fancy outfits, or peeling out of layers to accommodate the temperature. The same goes for long drives in my book, minus the stranger sitting beside me. I found that I prefer to drive in a loose, casual dress. Nothing frilly or complicated, just simple and leisurely. This way I am not uncomfortable while driving, but I am presentable whenever I need to make a stop and be seen by other humans.