Wednesday, October 27, 2010


As soon as the calendar flipped over to October the folks in this fun-loving town whipped out their Halloween decorations in a big way! It has been cool to drive around and see houses all decked out with spider webs, ghosts, scary lights, coffins, etc. With Halloween less than a week away, I have been told by many that locals take the holiday pretty seriously! However, I believe their loyalty will be tested this year because there is a home Saints game on October 31st at 7:00pm. Hmmm... watch the game or go out to celebrate? I heard a conversation on the radio the other day discussing whether kids should trick-or-treat on Saturday instead! And if a home game wasn't enough to compete with, the 31st is the last day of Voodoo Fest as well! Decisions decisions!

Here are some drive-by pictures I took of some spooky decorations!
(If you click on the picture it will get bigger)

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