Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just Some Things...

Here are some general observations I have noticed about New Orleans:

“No Left Turns” are very popular at intersections. This requires the driver to go up another block (or until there is not a sign restricting the left turn) and turn left (essentially a U-turn), drive back down the street then turn right so that you are finally going left on the street you intended to in the first place!

Waiters NEVER give you the option for separate checks. All bills come as one and then it is up the patrons to decide on how to pay. You can give them multiple forms of payment (cash or various cards) and tell them to split the check two ways, three ways, or however. This isn’t so bad if things are fairly even, but when one person drinks and the other does not things can be a little skewed.

The fleur de lis is EVERYWHERE! Of course it is the Saint’s symbol, but it is on almost everything in this town! Brie has one tattooed on her foot, Sucre has chocolates in the shape, and they are on signs, t-shirts, stickers on cars, everywhere!

It seems like there is a Walgreens on every corner! According to their website there are 39 stores within a ten mile radius of the city?!

If you don’t like hot sauce you might as well get out of town! These folks are serious about their heat! It goes on rice, sushi, meat, sandwiches, pasta, anything really! Sriracha is a popular one from Thailand.

The liquor laws are certainly different than Virginia’s. Grocery stores and gas stations sell not only beer and wine, but the hard stuff too! There are daiquiri shops scattered throughout the city that specialize in the sweet fruity drinks. And if you have not finished your drink but the rest of your group is ready to move along, you can always request a “to-go” cup for the road!

Thunderstorms can pop up at any time, day or night. I have woken up to storms, seen them appear mid-day, and develop at night. I feel like in Virginia they are typically an afternoon event for the most part, but they are unpredictable here. Storms are longer here as well; which I enjoy!

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